Which Loach?

Jan 11, 2007
I am cycling a 20L and I am going to put a male and female convict in it. They are still small and I want to put a loach in with them, but I'm not sure if I could put Kuhlii Loaches or YoYo Loaches in there. What do you think?

Thanks for any help in advance

Jan 11, 2007
No I just want a bottomfeeder and thought that corys would get eatin. Plus the YoYo loach and Kuhlii loach are really cool. Is there aything I could put in there as far as bottomfeeders?

Agreed with Lotus, yoyo's get too big.
Poor khulis wouldn't fare well either. They don't have much defense against a con that may go all "seek and destory" on it.
Skunks are feisty enough to possibly get along with the con. Some people have reported them pestering other fish, nipping the fins and such. Might be ok with a con, even females get huffy every once in a while.

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I am cycling a 20L and I am going to put a male and female convict in it. They are still small and I want to put a loach in with them, but I'm not sure if I could put Kuhlii Loaches or YoYo Loaches in there. What do you think?

Thanks for any help in advance
Oy, vay. I totally missed the "male" in "male and female". :(
For some reason I only read "I am cycling a 20L and I am going to put a female convict in it." :rolleyes:

In that case I honestly wouldn't recommend another tankmate.
It might work out for a bit while small but eventually the pair will not tolerate other fish in their tank.

Sorry for the brainfart. :eek: