I feel lucky....


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
So the other day I was at work and a coworker had told me about his neighbor that is moving to Duluth, his neighbor also has a SW setup that he is tearing down and was looking for a good home for the inhabitants.
I immediately said I would be more than happy to help out.
Went to petco to buy a 40G breader tank to put on the stand I had my old 76G (that cracked) on. Had most of the water premixed already... originally he said he needed a good home for a bubbletip anemone...
Arrive at their house and after showing pictures of my setup, he insisted on seeing, and talking to him for a bit he says I can have the anemone, all his LR..40+lbs, almost full bucket of salt (150G worth), a blue damsel which I think is not a damsel but maybe someone can ID him for me when I get some pics up, about 50lbs of argonite, a brand new/never used emperor 400 biowheel filter, 5 SW fish and coral books and a turbo snail.
I just about cried in delight for his generosity and repeatedly thanked him over n over. He repeatedly thanked me over n over also for giving his hobby a good home.
Stopped at the LFS and bought a maroon clown which took to the anemone within two minutes and hasn't left it since... that's great!!

I do have one concern... when we were taking the anemone out of the tank it was attached to two peices of rock so he was trying coerce it off of one of them and it seemed to split. He said that it felt snug between both rocks but all of a sudden it just kinda let go without any pulling and split into two.
I just took some pictures of the tank and such for all to see. so here they are...
Questions are: 1-should the greenish whithered half of the anemone bounce back and there will be two of them?
2-what kind of fish is the blue one?
3-does the anemone leave whitish spots on a clown fish?
The reason I ask about the clown is because when I bought him he was spot free and after about an hour n a half he has kinda a white spotty type stuff on the tips of his fins. It kind of resembles ich but ich doesn't spread that fast.
OK here are the pics....



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Wow...that is one big BTA. The little one should recover if it truly did split. The best indicator of health would be the mouth; if the mouth is closed firmly all should be well, but if it starts to sag open you may be in trouble. As far as the little white specs on the clown, that is not something caused by the anemone. As for what it is...I don't know, but a better picture might help with an ID.


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
Here are some more pics... but first I have to answer one of my questions...
The white stuff I saw on the clown yesterday is from the clown getting used to touching the anemone. I did some reading in one of the books I got from the guy (The Tropical Marine Fish Survival Manual by Gordon Kay)
Today the clown doesn't have anything on him so that is good.
I also did a good target feeding of the anemone and it reacted immediately so I am happy.



Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
I also have to post a pic from my 55G of the star polyp... Easter sunday it was transferred to the 55 and it has already attached itself to the rock I placed it on... I circled it in red. I can't believe it did it so fast, and the extra polyps that have popped out.

As for the anemone... I am not sure if it actually split. Here is a good close up of it. I have seen anemones split naturally and by cutting... this doesn't look anything like either.

And to give you an idea of exactly how big the healthy anemone is.. the clown is 1 1/4" long...


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Wow...call me corrected. I never saw spots like that on my maroon clown when I introduced a BTA but there you go.

Have to agree that the little anemone isn't looking so hot at the moment...though it does appear to have a mouth and the mouth does still look tightly closed. Have you tried feeding it to see if it reacts? Probably the best thing to do is just let it be and make sure you keep the water quality high. Hopefully the maroon clown keeps itself busy with the big one and lets the little one heal.


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
Thanks camaro. I didn't see a mouth on the sickly looking one... but I did just try to feed it and the arms reacted by retracting with the food.
How come it has that blueish green color? Is the mouth the whitish clumpy looking thing on the top?
The clown hasn't paid any attention to the sickly one, just the big mofacky :)


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
The whiteish lumpy thing kind of looks like a mouth to me...but it could just be the oral disk curling up due to shock or damage.

The coloration is probably just a result of changes in environment(lighting) and stress levels.

To be honest, I doubt there is much you can do for it at this point other than keep water quality up. I would recommend you read this as it has a lot of great info: http://www.carlosreef.com/AnemoneFAQ.pdf


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
For now I have 2 65W PC's which sit about 7 inches above them.
I am working on getting stronger lighting but 130W should suffice for now..... I hope.

Camaro- I read thru that link you posted and hopefully the sickly one falls under the category of budding. That is a nice write up on anemones.

Last edited:


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
Little update on the sickly anemone... this morning after lights came on the tentacles were looking much healthier... more inflated and NOT that blueish green color, but my question is a two parter. 1-Can or does a clown have the ability to caress it or stimulate it by going thru and fluffing its tentacles? 2-Is moving about 3 inches in one day a good sign for what it has been thru?
Since the clown has been "fluffing" the tentacles they have expanded and look healthier and that is when it started moving.
It kind of looks like the clown is nurturing it. I know that an anemone moving can often be a bad sign. I have read about clowns and their symbiotic relationship but all they have written about is the protection for food partnership.


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
hey you have a velvet damsel in there..i wondered ..your toughs on it
Yup, it's a velvet damsel. After i found out what he is and his temperment... i'm glad the maroon clown has a safe home where he won't get picked on.... actually after watching them, they get along pretty good.

I am still searching for any help on the clown nurturing an anemone..... no luck even on goooooooogle