fish for a 5G


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
ok this question isn't for me, but for my roommate. he got a 5g fish tank a month ago and is now cycled. he keeps asking me what a cool fish/es would be neat in it. so, i am wondering if a german blue ram or two would be able to live in it? he saw them and wants to get them, so i told him i would ask some people on here. if that's too small, what would you suggest putting in there? i am kind of curious also since i dont really know a whole lot aobut fish. what's a fish with a lot of personality small enough for a 5g?


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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Especially with such a small tank, tank dimensions would be helpful in asembling a stocking plan. :)

Galaxy rasboras (which have recently been reclassified as danios) are new, tiny and very pretty. A betta is a common choice in this size tank. Really any of the smaller rasboras, tetras, or killies would be a possibility. There are also a number of inverts: snails, shrimp, dwarf crays. African DWARF frogs can be different. There are some amazing planted tanks in the AGA contest which are even smaller than this tank. Has your roommate looked around to see what appeals?

Oct 14, 2006
New Hampshire
i am wondering if a german blue ram or two would be able to live in it? he saw them and wants to get them, so i told him i would ask some people on here. if that's too small, what would you suggest putting in there? i am kind of curious also since i dont really know a whole lot aobut fish. what's a fish with a lot of personality small enough for a 5g?
Please, do NOT put those GBRs in there. That's way too small of a tank. You could but maybe 3 Ghost Shrimp and possibly a betta. Maybe you could get 2 or 3 Fancy Guppies(they are SENSITIVE-you need to take really good care of them). Fancy Guppies come in vibrant colors like bright oranges, blues I've seen purple too*twirlysmi You may want to go to and click fish then freshwater then whatever you want. I know you can order them from there but it gives you infomation and it gives you the size tank they need and anything smaller don't think about putting the fish in.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Personality? Deffinitly a betta. Color? Still ... betta. If he would prefer more than 1 fish or just more activity in general, look into the tiny fish. Guppies (I've not found them to be sensitive at all, but alot of people do), tiny tetras, microrasboras, etc... I really love the galaxy rasboras, but I got mine before they were being overexported, so you might want to hold off on them untill there are aquarium bred specimins available so you are not contributing to their declining numbers in the wild.

I think if he could find a betta that suits him, it would be the best solution. They have incredible personalities, are very colorful, very hardy, readily available and don't cost an arm and a leg (unless you want to show or breed, which I am assuming is not the intent here). A nice dwarf gourami is another option. in a 5gal with either a betta or a dwarf gourami you could probably have a snail and/or a couple otos as well.

If you want to go inverts, shrimp are facinating, as are dwarf crays. Snails are nifty too, but I tend to think of them as secondary inhabitants, not the main focus of a tank.

If he would be able to keep up a planted tank, it is really a rewarding experiance and there are plenty of low light plants that hardly require anyhting more than a little light.

Ask him what he is looking to get out of this tank and we can give more suggestions. (IE: Color, activity, simplicity, etc...)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I'd put a pair of rams in there. Just to see if i can do it. I believe i could. On paper it sounds ok through my eyes, but cichlids have personality....something you don't find in community fish. So their attitude towards each other and their tank depends on each individual fish.

With constant water changes and stable conditons why not? Look at some of the complex life being kept in small pico reef tanks. I don't see why a pair, or even 1 GBR cannot successfully be kept in a 5gal tank.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2007
Savoy, MA/Western PA
I have some white clouds and a platy in my 5 gallon. The white clouds tend to stay near the top but they do swim all around too. It is really cute to see them flaring at each other. The platy is colorful and he explores the whole tank. He even swims over to the side by the betta tank so the betta will flare at him. My betta will eat food off my finger, thats always a fun trick. Shrimp are fun too, mine swim and crawl all over.


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
i offered to give him my fish and he sounded like he wanted instead of him getting them it will be me. haha. i will be getting either one or two GBRs tomorrow at the LFS. after seeing the GBRs at the LFS the other day it sparked my interest to get something new. so, should i get one or two? also, can you sex them at an early age?


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL Well assuming this is the tank in your sig and you gave him all of your fish, you might be able to get away with a m/f pair, but it'd be hard to make sure you get a mated pair, so either 2 females or a single GBR would probably be best.

You can sex them at a relatively early age. The best way I find when they are pretty young is the black spot behind their pectoral fins. Females have blue spangles in the spot, males do not. Also keep an eye out for pink bellies (females), and long spikes on the front of the dorsal fin (males). Males are usually bigger too, but not when they're really young.


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
well, i got one this morning. the person there said its pretty difficult to sex them at this age, so i just got the one with the most color. i just turned the lights on a few hours ago, and he's just chilling in the corner behind all of my plants so far. i'll probably try to get him to eat some bloodworms and see if he comes out.

Sep 21, 2004
Baton Rouge, LA
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As you can see from my signature, I have a female GBR in a 5 gal with glolights. I keep up with my water changes and all is fantastic. She is a beautiful fish and a joy to watch. When I go to the tank in the morning to feed, she is the first to greet me. I wouldn't have it any other way. This is one choice I do not regret.



Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
i kept the corydoras since my roommate didnt want them. i'll see if they all get along. the GBR has staked out some territory in the corner it looks like and he'll be damned if anyone crosses it. he still hasnt taken any food, but im thinking maybe i should go get some hikari pellets and then he will.


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
also, do GBRs get more iridescent when they're older or when they're younger? i'm just curious of if he/she will get brighter or duller.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
TetraColor Tropical Granules seem to go over pretty well with mine... maybe try those... if he's being shy, he's probably not going to want to go to the surface for the Hakiri.

They get more and more color as they grow.


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
i'm an idiot! the past few days having him/her i have been thinking to myself: "man he does not look much like the GBRs in pictures, i wonder if it is a GBR." so, i decided to look around seeing if there were different strains or something of the breed...........and i got a bolivian ram! not a german blue ram. the fish was kept in an aquarium with golden rams on one side and i must have just thought there was only one other type of ram. i have read around and it says a 5G will not cut it for space. should i return him? will they take him back?