What Does It All Mean?


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
So when I watch my three large angels this is what I see. Appollo comes over to see Illusion and Strider. Illusion turns around and chases Appollo away, sometimes with Strider's help. Then when Strider swims over to a section a tank by himself Illusion follows and Strider shows her (I'm assuming Illusion's a girl) his gills and they softly mouth each other and maybe a rock that I have in the tank or the side of the tank. Then Appollo comes over to see what's going on and it all starts over again. Is there any meaning to all this other than a bit of a dominance deciding? I'm not too worried about either of them, no one's gotten hurt.

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Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Sounds like you've got a fling in the making. Hopefully it's a boy/girl fling! :D
A boy/girl fling would be awesome. Which is the most likely spot for their eggs do you think? The rock (which is the top of the cave that they peck at)or the side of the tank that is near the cave (that's the side they peck at with their mouths). And what color should the eggs be so that I know they're there (if that happens). Here's a pic of my tank btw, so that you know what I'm talking about when I talk about the cave (the angels are probably behind the waterfall in that pic.

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They'll lay on a vertical surface. From the looks of it they've got an endless choice of vertical surfaces to choose from *laughingc . If they're picking the glass then they're likely intending to lay there but they might look around a bit more before they do, if they're not completely satisfied.
My two can't choose between the heater, the filter's intake, a vertical piece of wood or the glass. lol

Egg's color:

...if they're good. Bad ones turn white and get eaten. On about the second or third day you'll notice a little black dot in them. Off to the larval stage from there.

First time parents don't always get it right. It can take them a while for them to get the hand of it, I'm sure you know. :D


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Yeah, they do have a wide selection of egg sites to choose from. I don't know anything about angels laying and raising eggs. These are my first and it just sort of happened that maybe I have a boy/girl fling going on*celebrate . I hope the eggs aren't too tiny I might accidently scrape them off if they're on the glass thinking they're algae. :eek: I don't want to do that. Thanks for the help you're giving me straitjacket.*SUPERSMIL


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Well, it's for sure. I have a boy/girl thing going on. Illusion and Strider have paired up. Illusion layed eggs today, but unfortunately they didn't last very long:( the parents ate all of them:eek: . Illusion's tube is still down though, does that mean she's got more eggs to lay? Where all the eggs bad and that's why they ate all of them? Or is this what you mean when first time parents don't always get it right? Here's a pic


I wouldn't consider it boy/girl for sure yet. Not unless you saw one laying eggs and ther other going over the eggs fertilizing.
Without venting that was the only way I was able to be sure.
Females have been known to lay together.

Assuming you have a male/female pair it would take them a few times to get it right. Some couples are repeat egg/fry-eating offenders and the only way to raise a successful spawn would be to separate the eggs from the parents and raise them yourself.
Give them a few more tries.
They should lay again in 2 or 3 weeks.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Yeah, you could be right straitjacket about the possibility of two females, but Illusion is the only one that's gotten fat and then skinny (because of eggs) like she did this time and she's the only one I've seen with her egg tube down (I don't know the term for it). Appollo has been plump (maybe he is a she like I first thought:confused: *crazysmil, but I don't know because Strider and Appollo seem to "battle by showing off" for Illusion's attention), but Illusion would only let Strider near her eggs. Strider is not plump by any means. He's healthy, just not plump. I was at work will this happened so I didn't see the laying or the spawning, but Illusion is still the logical choice for the female. I will give them a few more trys and if they don't get is right, hopefully sometime soon I'll be able to get a seperate spawning tank for such things and I'll learn about raising the eggs myself. I'll need to know about raising the fry though if they are successful and there's a point that I'll need to seperate the fry from the rest of the tank so that they're not eaten. I'll keep you updated.

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