Just a Question


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
This is just something I have been wondering. Will two female bettas get along together? I know that males don't, but I don't know about females. Is it just a general rule that same sex bettas don't get along? I'd appreciate the info. Thanks.

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Sep 6, 2006
NS, Canada
Typically, drake, you definitely do not want to mix the sexes. Males are extremely territorial.

Nobody, keeping females together all depends on the size of the tank and the amount of females you would be keeping. Generally, the more females, the better, simply because that spreads out aggression and no female can be "Queen of the tank" and bully the others. You typically do not want just 2 females together, one may bully the other, you want a group of 4 or more.

Hope this helps!

Typically, drake, you definitely do not want to mix the sexes. Males are extremely territorial.

Nobody, keeping females together all depends on the size of the tank and the amount of females you would be keeping. Generally, the more females, the better, simply because that spreads out aggression and no female can be "Queen of the tank" and bully the others. You typically do not want just 2 females together, one may bully the other, you want a group of 4 or more.

Hope this helps!
Actually if you have a large tank(such as 25g and up) you can give males a harem of 3 or 4 females and its very doable. It has been done and proven :)>

I agree that the more you have the better. As with all things IMO.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Well thanks guys. Since I have raised my count of females to 3 and am currently keeping two (Aryanna and Phoenix) in the community together with no problems, but based on what you have said I might reintroduce Mystique back in and see what happens. If she's too aggressive I'll have to put her back in her own little tank again.*twirlysmi

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Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Just reading over this again. It also looks like I need to find one more female just to be on the safe side, judging by what Brinny-chan said about wanting a group of 4 or more. I'll have to see about finding a pretty dark blue gal (I already have red, white, and I guess what's called a half-moon), then I'll probably be set, unless you think three will be just fine?

If you haven't seen them, here are pics of my current girls

This is Aryanna

This is Mystique

And this is Phoenix (gets a yellowish stripe sometimes*twirlysmi, makes her gorgeous )

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I had no problem with just 2 females, as long as the tank was big enough for 2 territories (like, a 20g long or larger... I think surface area matters more than real water volume.) So in a 40g you're probably okay with 2 females. Since they're coexisting now, you'd want to rearrange the tank before adding in another single female (unless you already know she's more aggressive, then you'd want to add her to the established territories).


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I think it's completely based on the fish's temperments. Two females may be just dandy together, but another two females might rip eachother to shreds. They can also turn on eachother at the drop of a hat. If your females appear to be getting on well as is, I wouldn't add another unless you want to. Just keep in mind that adding another may throw their heirarchy out of whack and cause trouble. I'm not sure where your fish are living now, but from what I can see, your females fins are ripped up a bit, may want to carefully consider what you want to do.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
I think it's completely based on the fish's temperments. Two females may be just dandy together, but another two females might rip eachother to shreds. They can also turn on eachother at the drop of a hat. If your females appear to be getting on well as is, I wouldn't add another unless you want to. Just keep in mind that adding another may throw their heirarchy out of whack and cause trouble. I'm not sure where your fish are living now, but from what I can see, your females fins are ripped up a bit, may want to carefully consider what you want to do.
Those pics are a little old. Their fins are healed now.