upgrading need opinions


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
its finally time to move and set the 125 back up as a reef... perfect time for some upgrades
1st i plan on getting 2 1" holes drilled for dual over flows
2nd ill be getting around 100 lbs or so of dry sand and seeding it with the live sand i already have
these 2 things need to be done before the tank is set back up and by that time ill be broke (2 weeks from now) but the first thing im getting after that is gonna be a new protien skimmer im just not really sure on which one so heres where i need opinions *SUPERSMIL after the skimmer comes the metal halides which is where i need my second opinion *SUPERSMIL for metal halides i think ive decide to go with a retrofit kit prolly 2 x 250w which i saw at hellolights.com for like $135 for each 250w (without bulbs:eek: ) will this be ok??
dont really need an opinion on the this just figured i throw it in ill be getting 2 koralia #4's and a mag 9 for the return :p but after that i think ill be pretty much set and i cant wait...itll prolly be a few months before i get everthing but itll be well worth the wait :D

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Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
And how much does a solaris cost? I assume you'll be helping pay out the difference?

Consider drilling a hole bigger than one inch. My plumbing is one inch internally, and is the very smallest I would go.

Skimmer - AquaC urchin is a good little skimmer, what else you thinking of, what budget. Prepared to go used - there are good deals on used sump skimmers, they lose a lot more value than HOB's?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
ive definitly considered going used (and i prolly will ;) ) as far as solaris its not guna happen especially since im spending all my $$$ to buy this house ... those retrofit kits from hellolights look pretty nice price wise if theyll work for me

btw will the AquaC urchin work in a 125g with 55g sump??? thats a total of 180 gallons :eek: and what size holes would you suggest??

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I run an Urchin pro on my 75g with a 20g sump and I don't think I would put it on a 125......I would look at an AquaC EV series, I really like their spray injection, it works wonders. I am sure you can find a used one on ebay.......they are by far a great skimmer...... Hellolights is a good site and the 2x250w mh setup would be great. Go slowly and get the best you can afford.....you know what you want....


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
And how much does a solaris cost? I assume you'll be helping pay out the difference?
i researched the equipment that is needed to make one.

since the 72" cost about $4000 (4w LEDs)

u can get thos 5watt LEDs and get some green LEDs since i read that they lack a lot of green somewhere...

about $5 per LED (thos new LEDs in reels so its cheaper) and $3-5 for the lens...

hood, power supply, heatsinks, fans...

that should come down to $1000 and then some @.@


im actually doing something like this but at a much smaller scale...

going to be around 40-50w of power XD

i like the effects of the MH but they have their downs..

y cant they make HID LEDs...

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Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
for you holes drill 45mm ( 1 3/4" )that will be a 1" bulkhead.. that's what i did anyways.. that will drain aprox. 600gph through each hole.. if your tank is 6ft. long like mine is you will wanna get 3 MH lights.. 2 just doesn't look right, they are only really good for about 2ft wide.. just my 2 cents


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
for you holes drill 45mm ( 1 3/4" )that will be a 1" bulkhead.. that's what i did anyways.. that will drain aprox. 600gph through each hole.. if your tank is 6ft. long like mine is you will wanna get 3 MH lights.. 2 just doesn't look right, they are only really good for about 2ft wide.. just my 2 cents
yea thats what i was looking for around 600 gph through each overflow ....
for lighting i figure 2 250w mh's will be fine in combination to my 260w pc's ;) if it doesnt look good ill add another if i absolutly have to but i was kinda hoping not to have to do that because of obvious heat issues (maybe 3 175w would work better)


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
there WILL be a very noticable shadow if you only go with 2.. i know you don't want to hear that but it will look funny.. just get the 3 175's bulbs are probably cheaper to replace also on those lol.. are you going to drill yourself or you gonna take it somewhere? do you need a bit? i can send you the link of where i got mine at.. cheap and pretty fast on shipping.. lmk


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
they dont gaurentee the work since i didnt buy my tank from them (i doubt anyone will gaurentee it actually) i just figure ill have better luck getting it done by a pro....besides they have a press and everything..ill just have to keep my fingers crossed

btw hey jim when you drilled yur tank how did you setup the overflows??? got any pics???


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
i don't have "overflows" when i put in my bulkhead i got a 90 degree pvc and put it in the bulkhead and it goes up to the surface and i put a protector on top of that so no fish will get sucked in.. ill get a pic when i get my lights on if you want


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
there's really no benifits of either way IMO.. i just didn't have the money to buy an overflow and i seen a few LFS have it set up that way so i figured i would give it a shot.. i think i read that most protien(sp) is at the top of the water so that's why i set mine up to "skim" the top of the water