For mbuna...Smallest I'd do would be a 33gal personally, but I've seen people do it in 30gals and 29gals, but those are more the "dwarf" species of mbuna (salousi etc) But for the larger mbuna, and if you want to get into peacocks and haps, then I wouldnt suggest going any smaller then a 55gal, allthough 75(or larger ) would be best.
Im just asking because my friend[Amaster]is want know to put 2labs or some other mbuna in a 10.I told him it didnt sound good.Are there any mbuna that could go in a 10.I told him to do Apistos.
No mbuna in a 10gal, they are too hyper for a tank that small, plus they'd get too large. Its best to get 1male per 2-3 females to lesson agression towards the females. I think Matt said that you didnt actually have labs? And that you either had salousi or mosbo or something like that?
Yes they do. But they just don't have a Lab shape and their color is not typical yellow lab thats why it leads me to believe you have msobo or saulosi.
My camera isnt all that great.To my eye they are verryyy yellow.I cant tell either but when i look at them i can see blue specks on there tail.Maybe its just my eyes.
Definitely no mbuna in a 10gal. As Matt and Katie already said, I'd be aiming for about 12-18 mbuna (depending on the species/mix) in a 55gal that is well filtered.
I haven't seen pics of the "labs" in question...did I miss a thread somewhere? I'd like to take a look.
Oh, I found it. The tank looks good, I like the big rocks in there. The labs though...I'd like to see some better pictures, but they look like lab/estherae crosses to me (or "all-yellow" or "yellow-yellow" labs as most stores will call them).
Maybe you have a Maylandia lombardoi (Kenyi). Where are these black stripes? Across the fins or vertical down the body? If they are vertical down the body you might have a kenyi. If they go arcoss the fins it sounds like a yellow lab.