If it's going brown the most likely explanation is inadequate light - it's growing more xooanthellae to make up for the lack of light intensity it's receiving, and might be shedding the 'sunlotion' pigments that corals use to prevent excessive light reaching them that we perceive as colourful.
Shabby water quality can also cause browning out tho'....., but turbinaria are pretty forgiving and don't require tons of light, how far from your pc's is it?
You can argue that massive polyp extension on these things is a sign of problems rather than good health as it means it's struggling to find nutrition
Shabby water quality can also cause browning out tho'....., but turbinaria are pretty forgiving and don't require tons of light, how far from your pc's is it?
You can argue that massive polyp extension on these things is a sign of problems rather than good health as it means it's struggling to find nutrition