Hi Folks...

May 22, 2007
New to these forums and i guess this is the place to introduce yourself...

Been keeping fish for a few years now and currently have 2 setups, 1 is a freshwater community tank and the other a brackish predatory tank. Here's what I got in 'em. (also a feeder tank for the brackish setup that has various temporary residents including goldfish, rosies, and ghost shrimp)

Freshwater community tank 55 Gal with serious over filtration

Live bearers:
4 swordtails, 1 male 3 female
2 platies, female

2 angels
2 cockatoo cichlids, 1 male 1 female
1 bolivian ram

cleaners/bottom feeders:
1 gold nugget pleco
1 farlowella
5 siamese algea eaters
5 otocinclus
2 kuhli loaches
3 upside down catfish

1 vampire shrimp
2 algea eating shrimp
1 mystery snail
? ghost shrimp - not sure how many

3 african dwarf frogs

8 hatchets: 5 silver, 3 marble

Labrynth fish:
2 gouramis, 1 powder blue, 1 gold- both dwarf females

1 black ghost knifefish

there's also about 12 diff types of live plants in there.

Brackish tank 40 gal:
2 figure eight puffers
1 green spotted puffer
1 moray eel
1 targetfish

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Wow, you've got quite a variety. What's a vampire shrimp look like? I've never heard of them. Ditto with the targetfish (unless that's another name for an archerfish).

How big is the knife?

May 22, 2007
Wow, you've got quite a variety. What's a vampire shrimp look like? I've never heard of them. Ditto with the targetfish (unless that's another name for an archerfish).

How big is the knife?
The vampire shrimp is one of my favorites, he's got bright red all over him with some transluscent sections. He doesn't have claws, but instead has these fan like appendages he uses to sift through the water. I'll try to get a pic of him up here at some point, but it's difficult to get a good pic of the fans because the filaments are so fine.

The target fish is white black and grey that look like stripes from the side, but when viewed from above it forms a bullseye pattern, thus the name. The are a schooling predator and I plan to add 1 or 2 more when i can find some buddies for him. He's extremely fast and aggressive. Large mouth. He's always the first to gulp up a Rosie when i put them in the tank, and he's the only one in there still brave enough to zip into the eel's hunting path. Some of the puffers have tried... and gotten snapped by the eel. Then they puff up and the eel's jaw sorta dislocates because his mouth isn't big enough to get a puffed puffer down- hilarity ensues as they both fight to seperate.

The ghost knife is only about 5-6 inches right now, and I have a home ready for him when he outgrows this tank. My buddy with a 150 FW oddball tank is going to take him once he gets to 10-11 inches.

May 22, 2007
here's a pic i found of a vampire shrimp that shows the fans, but the coloring of this pic is off... it's got hints of purple and blue, with bright red accents. Some sections are transluscent enough to see inner organs.

Petshrimp.com -- All about shrimp

When the fans are out they look white but when he pulls them towards his mouth they look bright red.