New 30G

Insted of the 20G that is in my signature that i was going to set up, my dad let me set up an empty 30G. Yes it did cycle for like 4 weeks, but i didn't want to tell anyone cause it was a surprise:p Ok what i have in it right now is one of my breeder angel pairs, but i am not sure what to do with the tank. Here is what some of my ideas are:

Breeding tank
catfish(corys and plecos)
keyhole cichlids(which should spawn soon!)
harliquin rasboras
black neon tetras
basicly every fish i own or try something that i have never kept before....:p

or I might do this

Community tank
Any suggestions are welcome(and i am thinking of some as well)

So ya if there are some suggestions out there, please post them and thank those of you who help me decide*thumbsups

If you want to breed fish, go for it! It may be a little hard, and you have to take extra care for it, but if your up for the challenge then go for it. On the other hand, if you want a community tank here is an option:
10-12 schooling fish (rasboras, tetras, barbs)
5 Corys
1 Centerpeice fish (gourami, angelfish)

Also, is it a 30g long or tall? What is the filtration?

May 1, 2007
Swordtails, rams, angels, harliquin rasboras, black neon, corys, kribs, and maybe gouramis. Granted you have enough room. That would be a good community set-up.

A good breeding set-up would be something like angel fish put a divider then put the rams on the other side. Or rams and swords or whatever.

Another cool thing you could do is set-up the typical ram, angel, krib set up. Then put a divider in and make the typical rasboras, neon, swordtail set up. That way you can have like two different envorments in one tank. With the rasboras, neons, and swordtails having there typical amazon set-up and the other having there central american setup. Just an idea. :rolleyes:

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
If you have a breeder pair in the 30 G, I would just leave it as it is. Add maybe a small school of tetras and that's the tank right there. When your angels have eggs, where do you nurse the fry?

That's what I was wondering. Oh, and airstones. I don't know if this will have any effect on whether or not you can keep more fish. Filtration maybe, but not airstones.

Another cool thing you could do is set-up the typical ram, angel, krib set up. Then put a divider in and make the typical rasboras, neon, swordtail set up. That way you can have like two different envorments in one tank. With the rasboras, neons, and swordtails having there typical amazon set-up and the other having there central american setup. Just an idea. :rolleyes:
Rams, angels, and neons come from the Amazon. Rasboras come from Asia, kribs come from Africa, and the swordatails come from Central America. Next time, know your information wjen giving somebody advice. Because that would not be 2 different biotypes, it would be a community tank.

I added my black-neon tetras into the tank just so the angels aren't lonely. What i like to do with the fry is leave them with the parents cause that is how it is in the wild and i enjoy seeing the parents with there bebe's:D I am not sure if i am going to keep the angels and tetras in there or get some kind of semi-aggresive cichlid. Right now i am currently looking for a pair of Archocentrus (Cryptoheros) Sajica, they are very beautiful cichlids and are known for there excellent parenting skills like the convicts. If anyone knows where to get them online(besides you please post it:)

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