suitable cichlids for a 30 gallon long???


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
I just combined my 20gallon and 30 gallon tanks into a 55gallon and want to make the 30 gallon into a cichlid tank. it would only be used for a couple of months as im going to get a 125 gallon and then rehome the cichlids into the 55 gallon. But what are some suitable cichlids for the 30 gallon now. AND it currently has flourite as a substrate is that okay. I dont plan to plant the tank. but ive seen cichlids pickup pebbles before and was wondering if the flourite would be a problem since its small and metallic ???



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Not sure on the flourite questions, but you should be okay with some of the smaller mbuna (you're thinking African cichlids, right?)... like yellow labs, demasoni, etc. Or of course with shellies or some of the other little cichlids, but they might not be too exciting when you move them up to a 55g.


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
I agree with matt, they will be stunned if kept in there. I keep mine in a 30G tall,not long. Another cichlid that would be GREAT and are funny and cute is the keyhole cichlid. There fun to have, but although they lack colours like the rams have.
not sure what your talking about, angels or cichlids but if your speaking of cichlids then that doesnt make since, since a 30 gallon tall would have a smaller footpring than a 30 gallon Long.

Sweetpickles: I dont want Angels (unless your speaking of some form of cichlid) i asked about cichlids. not angels Im also a male btw not a she =P

silver dollars: thanks for the options

CHichlid-man and caps thanks also

About stunting: im fully aware of stunting, hense the reason i asked fish that would be suitable for a 30 gallon

thanks to all