I have a blue mystery in each of my 2 tanks. Bought them on the same day. But the snail in my 6 gallon has gotten much bigger. Can I assume that my smaller one is not getting enough food? The smaller one does have to compete for algae with my 3 ottos. I do put in algae wafers, but my platies are such pigs, they end up eating most of it.
I guess putting the snails together in the 6 gallon is an option, but I haven't sexed them yet, it and could mean an overpopulation
Does anyone have any suggestions. I don't want to lose the snail. Thanks!!
I guess putting the snails together in the 6 gallon is an option, but I haven't sexed them yet, it and could mean an overpopulation
Does anyone have any suggestions. I don't want to lose the snail. Thanks!!