im pretty bored right now cuz im waitin to go to work...and somethins been on my mind for a while so i decided to post about it
im thinkin bout gettin a 75g tank for my room when i raise enough money.. i want to do a large main fish for the tank like an oscar or something..all the oscar hype is gettin to me lol
i have a couple questions about this type of a bare bottom better for a large single fish like an oscar? and what type of other fish can be kept with oscars cuz ive know silver dollars and maybe tiger barbs?
i also am still thinkin on the type of fish i like oscars but i was thinkin maybe something not so common even tho oscars are really cool...something like a red devil...any more ideas?
well thanks for reading this and any opinions/info/thoughts are appreciated
im thinkin bout gettin a 75g tank for my room when i raise enough money.. i want to do a large main fish for the tank like an oscar or something..all the oscar hype is gettin to me lol
i have a couple questions about this type of a bare bottom better for a large single fish like an oscar? and what type of other fish can be kept with oscars cuz ive know silver dollars and maybe tiger barbs?
i also am still thinkin on the type of fish i like oscars but i was thinkin maybe something not so common even tho oscars are really cool...something like a red devil...any more ideas?
well thanks for reading this and any opinions/info/thoughts are appreciated