20 long schooling tank?


Small Fish
Jul 27, 2007
Well, I've been keeping a standard 20 tank with a bunch of Tiger Barbs, a couple paradise fish, a single chocolate pleco and I just added a pair of gold gouramis. Hopefully, that's not considered overstocking! :cool: I've been either wanting more tanks, or a bigger tank, I've gotten bit by the bug :rolleyes:

I've been toying with the idea of a long tank with a bunch of schooling fish - preferably something small and colorful like neon Tetras. About how many is a good amount for a 20 long? I'm also wanting to do a sand substrate - is sand OK for use with small fish like Tetras?

Oh, and what can I keep in a tiny 1-2 gal hexagon tank? *laughingc

Thanks for any help!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
it is
how many tiger barbs do you have? many consider this fish needing a 55g or of that larger size. they get big, aggressive, and are very active so they like their space
paradise fish, and gouramis both will fish with one another and the gold gouramis tend to be more aggressive that some others

your tank is overstocked and i would look into taking fish back, or a bigger tank, so no neons.

in a 1-2g hex you could keep a single betta with a snail or african dwarf frog. or you can keep a couple pretty male guppies
or even 3-4 neon tetras...though some may think less.
there are few options with a tank this small


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Maybe I misunderstood, but I think when Raduque asked about how many neon tetras in a long tank, I think he/she was talking about a different 20L then the one already running. Not sure though.


Small Fish
Jul 27, 2007
I see. The first paragraph talks about the fish he/she currently has. Which is kept in a 20 G standard.

And the second paragraph asks how many neons he/she can keep in a 20 G L. Thanks for pointing that out lauraj.
Yea, the first paragraph is my existing tank. I have 4 tigers, 2 paradise fish, 2 gold gouramis, 1 rosy barb (had 3 but two died... the one left is very agressive, but he hangs out with the tigers) and the chocolate pleco who claimed the fake log decoration and stays in there except when he comes out at night to eat (he gets left over pellets from when feed the others and an algea wafer every couple days). I haven't lost anything but the two rosys in almost a year of keeping this tank.

The Tetras will be going into a new separate 20 long tank.

I might do a Betta in the hex, but I need to do way more reading on them, first.

Thanks all!

Oh, and I'm a guy. *celebrate

Jul 19, 2007
in a 20gal long you could stock 15-20 neons...but that would be it..or you could do 10 and get of few other fish like 2-4 female bettas..of course you would first have to cycle the new tank before adding any fish