Here's my new family member. I drove over to the coast to pick it up. It's a Rainbow Cichlid. Not sure on the sex, but I think it might be a male. Got it free.
Here's my new family member. I drove over to the coast to pick it up. It's a Rainbow Cichlid. Not sure on the sex, but I think it might be a male. Got it free.
That's a Roseline Shark. The tank is my heavily planted 75G. The other fish include 7 Bolivian Rams, rummy nose tetras, 3 BN Plecos, and an Albino Bichir, as well as a Red Tail Shark (The Devil Himself), lol.
As far as the new guy goes, well, I think I have some of the sickest fish around, lol. My Bolivians layed eggs again, and when other Bolivians come near by, they get chased away. But when the Rainbow Cichlid comes, they move out of the way and the Rainbow fans the eggs for a while, then moves away and the Bolivians then resume the fanning, lol. STRANGE........