Largemouth Bass w/ Cichlids


Medium Fish
Jun 28, 2005
St. Pete, FL
Last week I got this crazy idea to try and catch some native fish to add to my cichlid tank. I was able to get a Largemouth Bass (about 8") from a neighborhood lake and have added it to the tank. So far so good. He won't eat the cichlid pellets yet, so I've been feeding him earthworms from the backyard. He has a voracious appetite. Can eat 6 big worms in one feeding! Anyway, does anyone see any potential problems with this arrangement? Anyone with any experience in keeping bass? Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

(1) JD 10" female
(1) JD 5" male
(1) GT 10"
(1) Firemouth (7")
(2) Bala Sharks (both 10")
(1) Convict 5" male
(5) Tiger Barb
(1) Bass (8")

I use a Fluval 405 & a Rena XP3 for filtration.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
IronRyno said:
does anyone see any potential problems with this arrangement?
In and of itself, keeping a largemouth bass with other large cichlids seems reasonable---just so long as you watch closely for aggression and make sure that the bass and the existing fish seem fairly compatible and aren't killing each other.

BUT, given your current stocking situation, I'd say there are bound to be some major issues. Overcrowding being one of them, along with bioload issues. I'd guess that it takes at least two sizeable weekly water changes to keep nitrAtes below 20 that true?

If/when those JDs pair-up (perhaps they already have?), then matters are likely to worsen substantially. Unless you're dead-set on keeping a pair, I'd ditch one of them. I'd also ditch the balas. One 10" JD, 10" GT, 8" largemouth bass, 7" firemouth, and 5" convict oughta be more than plenty for a tank this size, I would think. Tiger barbs aren't really a factor since they hardly create any bioload. And besides, I'm sure they'll be eaten before too long anyway.

That being said, it sounds like quite an interesting setup, and I'd love to see some pics. :cool:



Medium Fish
Jun 28, 2005
St. Pete, FL
I've had the entire group together for the last 2 1/2 years. So far no problems - zero aggression. I added the little dempsey about 6 months ago & the bass a week ago. Other than that, the rest have been together a while.

I know what you mean about getting rid of one of the dempseys. Having babies is such a pain in the butt. I already went throught that once with a couple of convicts. The dempseys have paired up, but no babies yet. I would definitely keep the male, he is 100% prettier than the female. Kinda hard to let go of a 10" fish that you've had for the last two years though.

People always tell me that the tiger barbs will never make it in a tank like I have. In the beginning I figured they were right. But after 2 years, I haven't lost a single one to aggressiveness from the cichlids. The only way I could see something happening to one of the tigers is if the cichlids were starving or something. Maybe I've been lucky.

Maybe I'll come home one day and find the 10" GT hanging out of the bass's mouth! That would be crazy huh?


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
don't be surprised if you start "missing" fish. i kept a juvenile LMB (<3") for a year and then it started going after the other natives i had in my tank. once it ate my central mudminnow (my fave), that was the end of that!

overall, LMB are very easy to keep and will respond to just about any food you offer. i used cichlid pellets as a staple and give frozen bloodworms or silversides or live earthworms as treats every few days.