Fish tank temp.

Hey! My male betta has been kind of slow lately. I figure it's because my tank is only at 70 F. Is that a problem? If it is, is there an easier way to fix it other than buying a heater? Thanks.

20g tank:
female betta
male betta
female swordtail
male swordtail
female peppered cory
male peppered cory
two ghost shrimp
chinese algea eater

5g tank:
three swordtail fry (a week old)


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2007
I think your tank temp. is the last of your problems! Is there a reason why you have one male and one female of each of the fish in your 20g. With the bettas alone you are asking for trouble, as your male is more likely to kill the female instead of them breeding (which I assume is what you are trying to do). I would seriously reconsider your stocking plan before worrying about temp. The swordtails I would go with a ratio of 3 to 4 females to 1 male, this prevents the male from harassing your female to death. As far as the tank temp is concerned I keep my community tank around 74 degrees with a heater. My 5g betta tank doesn't have a heater and it stays around 72 degrees, I have had no problem with not having a heater in this tank.


Thanks. The female/male thing with all the fish is random. I used to have two female swordtails, but one died. The other two have been getting along just fine. The bettas are ok too and have actually had eggs several times but they always get eaten somehow. I also have lots fo plants and places to hide, so the female (actually named Kissyboots) has lots of places to go. The cories have layed eggs too, none of which hatched.

Anyway, maybe the betta is getting old or something. We'll see how it works out. :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Yes, with that stocking, you do absolutely need a heater to keep the tank a constant temperature. Around 78 degrees for the fish you have. They will be happier, more active, healthier, and more colorful.