Male FM is over agressive.


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
My male Firemouth is terrorizing my Male Con. He won't let the con eat. He claimed most of the tank for himself(exept for a puny arch under the castle). He won't let him claim a territory. All my con does is stay by the heater in fear that the FM will attack him. The FM will chase him wenever he feels like it. And getting ride of the fish is no option. What should i do? Dithers? Divide the tank? Move the FM into a 2.5 until the con gets a little bigger and More confident?


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
How big is your FM. Dithers might help a little bit. If your FM is small u might be able to put him in the 2.5 for maybe a few weeks but i dont like the sound of putting him in there. I would say get dithers. If that doesnt work the FM will probably kill the con.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Is your 2.5 a hex? if its rectangular than it might be okay for awhile, just enough time for the con to establish some territory in the tank, before u put the FM back in. Although it still might not work. Why cant u take the FM back? My guess is, if that doesnt work u can divide the tank, or ur con will most likely be harassed to death.


Large Fish
Jul 7, 2007
My male Firemouth is terrorizing my Male Con. He won't let the con eat. He claimed most of the tank for himself(exept for a puny arch under the castle). He won't let him claim a territory. All my con does is stay by the heater in fear that the FM will attack him. The FM will chase him wenever he feels like it. And getting ride of the fish is no option. What should i do? Dithers? Divide the tank? Move the FM into a 2.5 until the con gets a little bigger and More confident?
rearange the tank more structure be smarter than the fish