Oscar Help -.-

Dec 25, 2006
Since petsmart is my main lfs, i buy many fish from there. I bought 2 Oscars (tiger+albino). I noticed that when it came it had cotton like little flim on their eye. THen i one day it seemed like it had been scratched or something and lost their skin and white cotton like substance hanging or growing on top of it. Its now about 4 days past and those parts keep comming onto different places of their body. I thought it was some fungus so I bought a API fungas care powder packets. I poured them in and now my tank is green from the powder. Does this sound like fungus? I need help. Im doing normal routines as usual.

10% water changes once a week wiht gravel cleaner. Tanks cycled and good water parameters. No other fish in the tank...(75 Gallon)

I want these oscars to be healthy. Please help me..


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
Sometimes the packets can change the water color for a little bit...Read on the back side of the box for the fungal treatment. My water clearer upper tabs say they might change the water purple! As for the Oscars I would'nt know...Sorry.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The AP Fungus Cure should clear up the problem. It's normal for that med to turn the water green. If you don't see any improvement in four or five days, you may need to switch medications. If you do decide to do that, run fresh carbon in your filter and do a large water change before adding a different medication.

It's more likely a bacterial infection, although it is sometimes called body fungus (from your description).


Large Fish
Jul 7, 2007
Since petsmart is my main lfs, i buy many fish from there. I bought 2 Oscars (tiger+albino). I noticed that when it came it had cotton like little flim on their eye. THen i one day it seemed like it had been scratched or something and lost their skin and white cotton like substance hanging or growing on top of it. Its now about 4 days past and those parts keep comming onto different places of their body. I thought it was some fungus so I bought a API fungas care powder packets. I poured them in and now my tank is green from the powder. Does this sound like fungus? I need help. Im doing normal routines as usual.

10% water changes once a week wiht gravel cleaner. Tanks cycled and good water parameters. No other fish in the tank...(75 Gallon)

I want these oscars to be healthy. Please help me..
dont waste time and money take them back and let pet dumm deal with it!!