African Setup?


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Well in my future i plan to get a larger tank[ 100-210g] and when that happens im going to make my 75gal tank an african cichlid tank. Okay so the first question is im having trouble finding cichlids that from male to female the colors differ, can you give me some suggestions like i have thought about Johanni but thats all i can think of? In your oppinion which Mbuna is the prettiest? Also i was think of adding maybe 1-3 peacock cichlids into the mix? In your experience what the prettiest one? I like the eureka red, german red [are they the same?], and the red shoulder? One last question, lol, is there another name for the msobo cichlid? Thank you for your help, im sorry that this is a long one!


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Thanks C-man, i was waiting for you to post something. Yea i like all of those, i have also found the red zebra cichlid. Now for the aggression, i read on cichlid forum that most mbuna males will kill off other males, is that true? Okay so i have narrowed it down to 5 mbuna to chose from: saulosi , msobo, polit, red zebra, and johanni with 1-3 of german red, red shoulder, or eureka red?What would my stocking limit be around for the mbuna i have chosen?


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
....Now for the aggression, i read on cichlid forum that most mbuna males will kill off other males, is that true?
That depends on the species and set up. Males of certain mbuna species (certain melanochromis and metriaclima species) won't tolerate other males of their own kind, while males of other mbuna species will. Generally, the less aggressive species are more tolerable than the more aggressive species in this aspect. More females may reduce the aggression the male may direct to the other male, but on the other hand the presence of the females may incite the male to dominate its rival for 'breeding rights'.

Also aggression isn't limited to just the males. I've had female mbuna's which wouldn't tolerate other females of their own kind. Mbuna's are generally compatible with other mbuna's so the acei's would be alright.

Okay so i have narrowed it down to 5 mbuna to chose from: saulosi , msobo, polit, red zebra, and johanni with 1-3 of german red, red shoulder, or eureka red?What would my stocking limit be around for the mbuna i have chosen?
You may want to avoid stocking dimorphic species with similar looking females. Female saulosi, msobo, johannis bare a close resemblence (they're all yellowish/yellow-orangish; and the female red zebras aren't far off in semblence, at least in the eyes of the males), just to avoid the potential of hybridization. A 1 male per 2-3 (or more) females per species is a good start on what ever species you end up acquiring.

Can i mix together mbuna [these arent exact numbers but something like this]
75gal: 5 polit, 3 yellow tailed acei, like 8 of another species then 1 peacock? Or should i just make it a species tank with a peacock or two?
The tank may probably be better off without the peacocks since the mbuna's may be a little to rough for them to handle.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Well i decided that i want to go with something like this, either 10 msobo or saulosi, 3-5 polits, and then 3 yellow tailed acei. How does that sound? I think thats pretty close to my stocking limit if not over? Is that a johanni or demansi in your avatar?Or neither,lol? I have also found auratas but arent they to aggressive for any of my fish that i have said? thanks


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
From my experience msobo's are pretty aggressive (more toward each other than other fish). If you do decide to go with them and with 10, a 2m/8f gender ratio may be required. If you go with saulosi you could probably have 3or 4 males.

For the polits and acei, 4-5 each would be a good quantity. Multiple male aceis (2m/2f) shouldn't be much of a problem. The polits may have to be maintained in a 1m/the remainder female ratio.

I'm not sure if male msobo's and polits will view each other as conspecifics. A saulosi/polit/acei combo would probably be the best bet aggression-wise.

...Is that a johanni or demansi in your avatar?Or neither,lol? I have also found auratas but arent they to aggressive for any of my fish that i have said? thanks
The mbuna in my avatar is neither a johanni or demasoni. It's a type of zebra (metriaclima sp. zebra 'chilumba'; also known as the black-barred (BB) zebra).

Auratus are very aggressive. Msobo's would probably cope with them with them better than acei or saulosi.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
okay, well i just found out that polits are pretty much out of the picture, because i cant find them around here and there pretty expensive. So i need a new stocking list?So i think im going to go with msobos and auratus? Or how does this sound electric yellow labs, saulosi, yellow tailed acei, and then maybe 1-3 peacocks since those are some of the less aggressive?


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
6 yellow labs (1 or 2 males)
6 saulosi (1 or 2 males)
6 acei

For an 'overstocked' option you could add another 1m/2-3f saulosi to the above (or 3-4 more mbuna's of any species).

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Large Fish
Jul 7, 2007
The mbuna in my avatar is neither a johanni or demasoni. It's a type of zebra (metriaclima sp. zebra 'chilumba'; also known as the black-barred (BB) zebra).

Auratus are very aggressive. Msobo's would probably cope with them with them better than acei or saulosi.
kay bee19 you might check further but i think your avatar is a psuedo elongatus


Large Fish
Jul 7, 2007
Well i decided that i want to go with something like this, either 10 msobo or saulosi, 3-5 polits, and then 3 yellow tailed acei. How does that sound? I think thats pretty close to my stocking limit if not over? Is that a johanni or demansi in your avatar?Or neither,lol? I have also found auratas but arent they to aggressive for any of my fish that i have said? thanks
her avatar is a psuedo elongatus .. my question is a 75 is a nice size why make it booring with so mamy like species