African Setup?


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
Somewhat off topic but...

kay bee19 you might check further but i think your avatar is a psuedo elongatus
No thats a metriaclima sp. zebra 'chilumba' in his avatar.
It's a metriaclima sp. zebra 'chilumba' as I and Cichlid-Man have stated (I actually breed them, and, more specifically, they're the Luwino Reef variant). Also, I'm a "him". :eek:

They're a fairly large zebra species and get upwards of 8 inches. My avatar is small and it might be hard to see the differences between it and the pseudotropheus elongatus especially due to the angle of the shot, but note the classic metriaclima species stocky build and non-elongated body in these pics:

(incidentally, the BB zebra in the avatar, first photo and bland 'purple' BB zebra at the top in the second pic are all the same fish; in the 2nd photo the other male was running (and accomplishing) a dominance play on him and he temporarily reverted to submissive patterns in that shot).

rock krib 3.... electric blue ahli..3 nimbo livingstonii...3 red snook... 3.... lots of different coulor
A 75gal may make for a small tank if stocked with three n. livingstonnis (which approach a foot in length) and a trio of red snooks (which, if I'm thinking of the correct species, approach a foot in a half in length).

Well in my future i plan to get a larger tank[ 100-210g] and when that happens im going to make my 75gal tank an african cichlid tank....
I'm an african cichlid fan so my recommendation would be to use the 75gal for what ever other fish you have (tropicals?) and use the 100-210gal for larger african cichlids such as a decent frontosa colony. :D

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Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Yea, thats what im thinking of doing kay-bee. So far ive thought of some angels, bolivians, a nice school of tetras, some thing like some cories or loaches, and then some guppies or someother livebearer [have any other ideas?] to breed for my oscar, most of my plans are probably pushed back for awhile since im going to school and am in the progress of my first reef tank[ 29gal nano journal!] check the post if you now anything at all about reef tanks. Im not even a week into that tank sooo, idk what will happen.