Coldwater Tolerant Pleco


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hi everyone!

I have some questions.....

My wife keeps a 55g with 2 fancy goldfish & a Dojo Loach, she recently took a liking to some of the Plecos she saw at the LFS, so instead of impulse buying I told her I'd ask some questions on here first.

1) Are there any plecos that can tolerate the temps we keep in that tank 68-71 degrees, never hotter or colder than that. (Could maybe bring it up to 75 or so if needed)

2) We recently switched to a sand substrate (For the Dojo), Any problems having a sand bottom & plecos?

3) We really don't want our Dojo to be tormented either, is there a Plec that would be willing to share the bottom of the tank with him?

4) Our goldies aren't particularly fast swimmers, so we don't want them bothered by an overly aggressive Plec either....any thoughts?

5) Bio-load is a concern so I don't think I'd want to try something like a Common Plec....Just too big for this tank, But would still like something in the 6-8" range (Adult sized).

6) We keep this tank rather "spartan" looking, only 3 large rocks along the bottom (more swimming room for the "fat boys") is there something else that would need to be added to make a Pleco more comfortable?

Final Tank stock would be.

1 Black Moor
1 Calico Veil
1 Dojo Loach
1 Pleco

Filtration provided by:

1 Penguin 330
1 Magnum 350 Canister

I don't think this stock list should be too much for a 55g with that filtration, what do you guys think?

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Dec 11, 2007
#1most plecs will be fine in 73-78
#2i dont really think so he might get some in his system but not positive
#3a plec would bother him especially when he gets bigger
#4the plec should leave the goldies
#5It might be pushing it what kind of filters do you have?
#6i think hell be fine with the decor


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
......but the bio load would be high...goldfish are messy and needs lots of space...plecos are also quite messy

Yea I know the bio load would certainly by high, that's why we've just stuck with 2 fancies, I'd love to add more, but it's just not a good Idea, the Dojo is a pooping machine also.....

If you go by the "Math"

1 Goldie = 20 Gallons
Next Goldie = 10 more gallons

So it leaves me 25 Gallons worth of "bio space" to work with for the Dojo & Pleco, I think it's doable but we just need to keep a smaller species of Plec, perhaps a Rubber lip or Bushy nose?

Then we'd need to continue with our existing 30% weekly WC's.....Perhaps more, like 40-50% IDunno.....

Jan 8, 2007
corrupt lfs
The bioload is fine, perhaps even put more bio-media in one of the filters? Water changes are going to be more important. I doubt adding a pleco is going to make that much of a difference but maybe do larger or more frequent changes.

Sand is not an issue, probably more comfortable to lay on than gravel, haha. Like what others said, bump up the temps to the low 70's. And the loach may be a problem, but that depends on the pleco's personality.

Lastly...make sure you have a decent sized peice of driftwood in there as plecos chew/eat it, and prefer to hang on the underside most of the day in my experience. And make sure it gets enough to eat! good luck.


Small Fish
Apr 14, 2007
Ottawa, Canada
I've got 2 fancies with a bn pleco and 3 dojos. Right now they're in a 33 and I've got plans to upgrade them.

1) I would try to keep a min tank temp of 72 for a pleco, and you don't want to go high as the dojos are cold water fish.

2) Any problems having a sand bottom & plecos?
I'm not aware of any with plecos, but was recently told when I was considering the same, that sand can irritate goldies gills when they root around. Check out, I'm sure there would be some discussion there about it.

3) We really don't want our Dojo to be tormented either, is there a Plec that would be willing to share the bottom of the tank with him?
I think a regular Bristle nose would be fine - I keep one in my tank, and he keeps to himself - I never see him as he hides all the time when the lights are on or we're in the room.
I would suggest more dojos - they're very social. In fact, I would probably skip the pleco and get two more dojos. There's a great article on dojos at on their species page.

4) Our goldies aren't particularly fast swimmers, so we don't want them bothered by an overly aggressive Plec either....any thoughts?
Again, a BN would be fine. Mine only gets grumpy when he's territorial, and that rarely happens.

5) Bio-load is a concern so I don't think I'd want to try something like a Common Plec....Just too big for this tank, But would still like something in the 6-8" range (Adult sized).
BNs stay small, sort of the 4-6" range

6) We keep this tank rather "spartan" looking, only 3 large rocks along the bottom (more swimming room for the "fat boys") is there something else that would need to be added to make a Pleco more comfortable?
Plecos like tight hiding spots. Mine spends all its time in a ceramic castle. Depending on the sp. you end up with, Planetcatfish has some great info about dietary needs. I give my guys cooked fresh veggies which both the goldies and pleco love. I also drop in an algae tablet for him at lights off a couple of times a week, so he's got a chance at food.

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