LOL, i still cant get over the title. Okay down to business. Im starting with a 75gal tank. Im wanting it to be planted and it will have ABUNCH of cover. My question is on the stocking part of the tank. All except my bottom feeders im am going to try to breed. Okay heres what im kind of messing around with, probably 4 angels, 3 or 4 apisto or dwarf SA cichlid, abunch of guppies, somethin on the bottom, probably some loach if possible, now for the most confusing part. Is it possible to put a severum in here? I have heard that they are aggressive yet i have heard that they usually only pick on other severums? I would also like to state that once i have a pair in the apistos and angels, the ones remaining will most likely go back to the lfs. Im a little afraid of how the guppies willl get along. Will the angels harm them, and im guessing that a severum will probably be able to eat them? So that would be 3 species breeding in the same enviroment!