Well, we decided it was best not to set up the tank...at least not right now. I will set up a cichlid tank eventully. When I have more time and money to invest into it, I will probably go with a 55 for them. Start with a breeding pair, and let 'em fill up the tank with babies.
Yeah, I'd like to start one. However, I think if they start breeding, that 29 will fill up VERY fast. So, patience is the better part of valor. (or something like that).
Ok, were thinking about starting one of these. These are beautiful (and expensive) fish, so I wont do it without proper research and advice. So, what are our options here. I read in the sticky that "Shellies" would work well in a tank that size. Which ones? What substrate? Everything, please help...this will be my wifes tank!
Try Neolamprogus Brichardi (Princess of Burundi), get like 1 male and 2 females and let them breed. They are known for having older generations of fry help take care of the younger ones. Very pretty fish