Advice on eclipse 5g corner nano


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2007
Hey all I figured I start a bit smaller. Here's what I've got so far.

Eclipse 5g corner tank
Caribsea Ocean Direct caribbean live-sand (5lbs) Do I need more?
Caribsea Sea-Pure purified sea water (4.6g)

-I plan on ditching the bio-wheel and putting some live-sand where the filter cartridge goes. Good idea, Yes/No? Saw it on the link for lighting sys mod below.

-I think this stock filter is around 60-65gph, but I've read it's a heat trap? If it is, in fact, a heat trap what type of filter do you suggest and where and how would I hook it up to the stock configuration?

-I also want to add a mini-powerhead? Any advice on what flow rate & brand of powerhead?

-I'm also going to ditch the stock bulb & replace it w/ a coralife 10w 50/50 CF. Will this be enough for soft corals?

-Will I need a heater w/ this small of a tank or will the above lighting cover that?

-Here is a link for a mod on the lighting system I'm considering if neccesary:
What should I add next? - Forums

-Will I need a heater if I choose this mod & do you think I would need a fan too? I'd rather not have to add a fan if I don't have to as this hood is very small and space is limited. Could I just drill a bunch of small vent holes in the hood instead?

-What is the best thing to clean out a brand new acrylic tank w/ before set-up? And for that matter what is best to use when cleaning filter parts and any other item you use with an aquarium.

Guess that's all for now. As always any & all advice is appreciated.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
My advice is to read the sticky at the top of the nano section, cause that pretty much answered every question i have, if you still have questions then come back and ask us. You wont need a filter, all it will do is hold nitrates.


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2007
I've read the sticky 2 or 3 times & didn't find the specific info I wanted so I posted my questions to you all here? The sticky doesn't answer my specific questions on lighting & needing a heater on this specific tank? Most of the threads I've found about this tank & it's mods all suggest a filter & powerhead combo? Do you have any advice for me about my specific questions above Sweetpickles?

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I have a feeling the sand won't stay in the filter chamber. Maybe some live rock rubble would work. Definitely take the BioWheel off.

You don't need a filter on a saltwater tank. On nano tanks, good circulation and weekly water changes are much better.

A small powerhead with about 200 gph should be good.

The light may be enough for a mushroom or two near the top of the tank, but I don't think it will work in the long term.

You'll probably need a heater. When the light isn't on, the temps will drop. Check the temps between day and night while you're cycling to see how the temps are.

Vinegar is great for cleaning equipment. Just throw some plain white vinegar in with water, and rinse afterwards.


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2007
Thanks Lotus.

Ok so I will cut away all the support plastic for the filter tray & just run a circulating powerhead for flow. Thinking of using this one (link below) & mounting it @ top back smack in middle of tank. Will this be adequate (model 226) or should I get two smaller one's (model 212) and mount one on each end? Link: Power Sweep

Is vinegar good for cleaning out a new tank after unpacking also?

What I'm wondering on this matter is if I need to use special/filtered water to clean things with regard to aquariums. I've read untreated tap water is bad to clean things w/ as it has contaminants.

What is the best to use for cleaning acrylic? I know it scratches very easily! Any special rags or something? Would a micro fiber rag work well?

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Small Fish
Dec 9, 2007
Ok so I've done some research & have decided on the following for lighting & filtration:

2x18w 12” Current USA dual satellite 24 hr lighting system
Two Zoo Med power sweep 212's (125gph each) w/ prefilters.
7.5lbs fiji live rock

Looking for advice on how to place the powerheads in my 5g corner tank, as it's an odd shape & very small? Also wondering if I need to use the prefilters on them all the time to protect against fish being sucked into them?

I'm wondering if I can use a thin clear plastic top, cut to shape w/ very small holes drilled all over it for venting, to top the tank? Or should I go w/ some type of very fine mesh?
1. If so, what type/ thickness of the plastic is best?
2. Will this effect the lighting or trap too much heat?

I'm starting the tank out w/ 100% Caribsea sea-pure purified sea water & am wondering if I can use this for top-offs also or do I need to use purified tap water w/ no salinity content?

That's all for now, would like comments on what I plan to do so far though.

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Small Fish
Dec 9, 2007
Boy it's hard to get replies around here! Is there no one who can give me any advice? I've read plenty on here and simply don't have the extra time to sift through all the threads folks. Anyone, anyone? :confused:


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
For a lid you can use eggcrate [you can get it at home depot or something like that]. As for cleaning a brand new tank, i would just wash it out with water? I have never heard of or seen 100% Caribsea sea-pure purified sea water, so cant help you there. What i do is get RO water mix it with Instant Ocean salt mix.


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2007
Thanx sweetpickles

I'm really thinking I want a clear glass or acrylic top though, but am open to the pro's and con's of such a top. Honestly I don't know what egg crate looks like, but I'm sure it's not as astheticaly pleasing as I would like. I'm very particular about how things look.

Caribsea sea-pure purified sea water is found @ petsmart. It's simply pre-mixed salt water. I figured w/ only needing a gallon a week I could afford it & it will make water changes much simpler/faster for now since I'm just starting out. I'll just put a heater in the bottle overnight to get it to temp.

I'm now wanting to DIY an acrylic refugium to attach to the back or a DIY HOB refugium for this 5gal corner nano for overflow skimming, cheato, heater, ATO & powerhead, but still pondering how to do this.

Anyone familiar w/ this type of tank have any suggestions? It's basically a corner tank, but it doesn't come to a point at the back. It's kinda squared around. Here's a link doesn't show much detail though: eclipse 5g corner aquarium - Google Product Search

How big does a refugium really need to be width wise? Does it just depend on how big a powerhead I use? I'm also wondering where I would drill the hole for the powerhead on this tank for good flow as it's an odd shape??? My first thoughts were to drill the hole for powerhead on one side and then make the slits for the overflow on the other. Any thoughts on this?

The tank itself is 1/4" acrylic. Will this also work well for the refugium? I've only done a bit of research on acylic thus far but think I have a good idea. Just wondering if there is a certain type I should use? And is weldon the best stuff to use on acrylic joints?

Also still looking for advice on equipment for this system as far as powerheads, lighting, etc. Please take into consideration the refugium also as far as equipment goes.

Anyways I will be out of town for a couple days for work so hope to see some good advice when I return.

Thanks all I'm becoming addicted already & I don't even have the tank anywhere near set-up, lol!!! *celebrate

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Two of those powerheads would be too much. One should be OK. You'll need to move the powerhead and adjust it until it's giving enough flow without blowing the substrate around too much.

Vinegar is fine for cleaning. There's no problem in rinsing with tapwater, or cleaning out the empty tank with it.

The light sounds OK, and eggcrate is usually a good way to support a light.

You'll need to use reverse osmosis (RO) or distilled water for topoffs. Don't use saltwater. I guess that saltwater is fine. Most LFS sell saltwater and reverse osmosis water, but chains don't usually. Ask around.

read plenty on here and simply don't have the extra time to sift through all the threads folks.
Ummm... yeah. :(


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2007
Trust me lotus if I could spend ALL day reading threads & becoming more knowledgeable I TOTALLY would. Not enough time in the day for me to do all I want, lol!!!:mad:

K off to bed got 300 plus miles of driving 2mrw.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Umm, i go to highschool, play sports year round, go to camps everywhere, have tons of homework, have time for friends/girlfriend and i have enough time to read all i can. I want to do it right and i understand that it will take more time and money to do wrong and have to keep upgrading/changing something than to do it right the first time.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Trust me lotus if I could spend ALL day reading threads & becoming more knowledgeable I TOTALLY would. Not enough time in the day for me to do all I want, lol!!!:mad:

K off to bed got 300 plus miles of driving 2mrw.
To be honest, a lot of us lead extremely busy lives.

I would say that you'll need a lot more patience if you want a sucessful tank. It would be much better for you to spend the time (even if it's five minutes a day) reading and researching this hobby. Not only is there money at stake, but also bear in mind that every fish you buy has been pulled out of the ocean. There are fish that are now endangered just because of hobbyists. It is a responsibility.

You'll be much happier with your tank if you take it off the "to do" list and make it something you're fully committed to, even if that means you don't set it up for six months or a year.


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2007
Thanks guys, but UMMMM...I certainly didn't intend to start my tank before making sure I understood it fully & have no intention to harm any animals to do something quickly. I don't however apprecitate the passive attacks you've both just put upon me ither without even knowing me. I certainly don't need to know how busy you both are as it has no bearing on my questions. It's seems to be a common problem in message boards for people new to things to be brushed off for asking simple questions. I am very dissapointed. Thanks for you advice I will find my info elsewhere. Take care