Tank cycled,added fish..now have a baby

Dec 17, 2007
Hello again to everybody,
Just wanted to say a big THANK-YOU! to everyone who replied to my messages a few weeks back,(Have been SOO busy since then that haven't been able to post)
Miss Fishy & Froggy Fox,an extra thank-you to you both.

Just thought i'd up-date regarding my 'cycling' tank.
I presumed it fully cycled 3 weeks ago,so went back to my LFS and brought 3 panda corries,my husband insisted on 3 tiny ancistrus plecs,(YES I know when fully grown they will be too big for my tank,but at the mo they are just 1cm each,when they get a bit bigger they will be found new homes) I also got 5 king blue tetra.
I have been religiously testing the water,which has stayed stable.
I was planning on going to the store tomorrow to get a couple more fish, BUT
I done a part water change this afternoon and after it was all done I found a BABY.:eek: I think the tetras are the culprits,lol. It is still very tiny,(About the size of a day old guppy) Its swimming on its own but as yet is not venturing outside of the safety of the log thats in there.
Not sure now if I should wait in getting any new fish and give this little fella a chance.
Thanks again Chloe


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
I had a molly that had babies last week and before I could do anything they became lunch. If you want to give the fry a chance, remove it from the tank or get a breeder tank that sits in the tank with a lid.. that will keep it from being eaten.

Dec 17, 2007
Hello, I have got one of them breeder tank things from when I kept another tank a few years ago. Back then I too had Guppies and mollies which as you know tend to breed relatively easily.When I set this new tank up at the end of December,I had NO intention of filling it with fish that would easily over populate my tank,which was partly why I got the tetra's. I know i've only seen 1 baby with my own eyes,and i'm not holding out any hopes of finding any more.
To be honest i'm still in shock that i've seen this one,given they've only been in the tank 3weeks tomorrow,and the fact i've been 'stressing' over the tank conditions thinking they weren't 'perfect'
But seeing this little chap today,has reassured me a bit to know the tank must be running alright to some degree or they wouldnt be happy enough to reproduce.
As for the little chap,I think trying to 'fish' him out will prove very difficult at the mo,(Will have to disrupt the tank so much that I probably wont be able to find him) Think i'll leave it down to 'survival of the fittest' this time around,as he's done a great job of hiding and surving so far.
Thanks for your reply,Chloe

Dec 17, 2007
Hello,thanks for replying.
Update,Felt sooo guilty after i'd pressed send on my last message,that I went away and pulled all my tank apart,(Not literally,but completely emptied it) Probably wasnt the best move but,like I said guilt got the better of me,and a life is a life right??:)
Took me nearly two hours to empty the tank finally find the 'baby' struggle to find something suitable to put it in overnight,(My breeder box is in our FULL garage,so would be like finding a needle in a hay stack) then re-arranging my tank and putting the fish back in it.
The little fella has now (I'm 99% certain)been identified as a cory baby,doesnt look all that old and not sure if hes been 'damaged' at all from catching him,(Was not easy with a large net,large tank and a fast little sucker smaller than a grain of rice) I crushed a teeny bit of algae pellet in his new house,and i'll just have to see what happens now.
At least I can say I tried.Just hoping I havent totally 'upset the apple cart' for all the inhabitants.

Dec 17, 2007
Hello,Thanks for asking,
Unfortunately the little fella didnt make it,I wasn't too surprised to be honest,but just a little disappointed.After reading Kissyboots thread,i'm sure the little one was about a week or so old,so kicking myself a bit as to if I done the 'right'thing or not in my rescue attempt.That said I wasn't intentionally 'breeding' them anyway,so to find it was a BIG surprise.

Debating on returning the tetra's I got though,they were quite fiesty little things to start with but the weekend I 'broke' one of my rules and got 2 guppies.The tetra's dont seem to like sharing the whole 2 thirds of the tank, and this morning I'm sure one of the tetras has a chomp out of its nose. Research i've done suggests this is usually limited to feed times,but the more i'm watching them the more i'm not liking what I see.