:confused: snail breed?:confused:


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
would the shrimp eat little babies then or does yours somehow chew up the big ones because from what i can tell the ghost shrimps mouth is very small lol
They tend to pick off the larger snails. The shells I find aren't from the smallest snails.

Of course, I assume that it's the ghost shrimp -- I've never witnessed the true culprit at work. But, it wouldn't surprised me if it's them; they're pretty good about getting their hands ... er, claws on whatever they want. I love watching them munch on the blackworms I feed to my other fish! *laughingc


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
I've got a school of gold pristella tetras, two emerald catfish, a pineapple swordtail and four ghost shrimp. It's overstocked (so I don't put it in my sig for fear of getting flamed), but most everyone will move over to my 29G which is currently in the process of cycling.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
ic but also ive heard of those catfish liking snails sometimes or corys too so it might also be them
It's possible, I guess. They're really the only other candidates (the empty snail shells started turning up before I put Lauryn, the swordtail, in there). But, that'd also mean that the snails would have had to have been on the gravel; I really doubt one of the catfish would have plucked them off the walls, which is where the snails spend most of their time. OTOH, I have seen pond snails occasionally crawling across the gravel. :confused:

It's possible, I guess. They're really the only other candidates (the empty snail shells started turning up before I put Lauryn, the swordtail, in there). But, that'd also mean that the snails would have had to have been on the gravel; I really doubt one of the catfish would have plucked them off the walls, which is where the snails spend most of their time. OTOH, I have seen pond snails occasionally crawling across the gravel. :confused:

Ya they do come down from the glass haha. but im just trying to figure out what to do with all these babies lol. also its a nutricious snack for who? this is what im trying to find out