chiclid mouth stuck open

Mar 7, 2008
Hi, We are beginners at the aquirium thing, we have had ours set up for about a year now. Today I noticed one of my blue africian chiclids has his mouth stuch wide open. He also looks a little non energetic. He wa healthy a couple of days ago but he seems different now. I took him out to check to see if there was a stone or something stuck in there but there was nothing. There are 5 other chiclids in the tank and they all seem very well.

Mar 7, 2008
he died

he died this morning :-( Now it looks like the other fish I have is doing the same thing. I'm going to take the water to the pet store this morning to get tested. i'm also going to take one of my fishes. Last week i cleaned the filter and gravel so I hope it's not that.

Oh and you have to be logged on to myspace to vieew the picture. I couldnt think of anywhere else to post it.


Large Fish
Jan 8, 2007
corrupt lfs
My first thought would be some type of lockjaw? I actually had something similar happen to one of my mbuna after a suspected septicemia affected some fish in the tank, but the particular fish made it through. Any other symptoms you notice?

Mar 7, 2008
I removed one other chiclid from the tank earlier his morning and put him in a bowl of tap water with some conditioner. He seems to be getting better. His jaw isn't stuck open as much. Not really any other symptons except he's not eating and maybe a little sluggish.
The pet store opens at 10 so I'll get me water tested and bring my fish over there. I'll post their finding.

Is there substrait that can be used in a tank that is easier to clean ten gravel?

Mar 7, 2008
Well brooklyn because one died and the other one looks better since I seperated him.

OK update. It turns out that my water is in excellent condition. The people there seem to believe it has a gill disease or infection and they recommended maracyn.

They had some on the shelf but they wasn't enouh for my tank (75 gallon) to treat for the 5 days so I ordered some off of ebay and shoul get it in a few days. I will let you alknow the results.

I have a suspision it came from the fish that my wife recently bought at pets smart but obviosly can't prove it. We normally buy our fish from "Pets and Things" in Norfolk VA whom are really excellent at what they do.


Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey
When I was first starting out I had a problem of fish getting sick, one after another. The first fish I was ever able to save was after buying another tank. I went to petsmart and got a 10gal tank for like $12. I got a heater from somewhere else because petsmart overprices them, stuck a bubbler in because i didn't have a filter at the time, and used that tank to medicate him. $25 plus the smaller amount of meds is all it took. (filled it with water from the 72gal tank so there would be minimal shock.)


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2008
Oceanside, CA
NEVER BUY FISH FROM PETSMART!!! They are by far the worst place to get fish from. (along side Walmart, Target, etc.)
Rule of thumb, always buy fish from the same petstore. But select a nice local mom and pop store that knows there stuff. People at Petsmart farm out their fish like crazy. Think about how many shipments of fish they are getting due to how many are around the country.

I've had nothing but problems before I knew what I was doing with fish from petsmart. Now I know better....

Sorry about your loss..

Jan 29, 2006
you should treat the infected fish out of the tank individually and change all the water in the tank. That way you could help them out now and not have to wait until your shipment arrives. Thats what ild do anywho. i personally have never had any problems from the dozen or so fish i bought from petsmart, or petco for that matter. I was buying them from a store 45 minutes away at a "mom and pop" store but the trip just isnt worth it. The higher prices and more "knowledgable" store associates did nothing for the fact the fish always died.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
NEVER BUY FISH FROM PETSMART!!! They are by far the worst place to get fish from. (along side Walmart, Target, etc.)

I've had nothing but problems before I knew what I was doing with fish from petsmart. Now I know better....
While I agree that Petsmart is not the best option for fish, nor Walmart or any of those others, it's a bit much to say NEVER buy from there. If you're experienced and you know what you're doing, you can get some good fish there on occasion. Go have a look at my Midas male, Kujo, as an example. Best colour I've ever seen on an adult orange Midas, and he came from Petsmart.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
While I agree that Petsmart is not the best option for fish, nor Walmart or any of those others, it's a bit much to say NEVER buy from there. If you're experienced and you know what you're doing, you can get some good fish there on occasion. Go have a look at my Midas male, Kujo, as an example. Best colour I've ever seen on an adult orange Midas, and he came from Petsmart.
While I would never deign to be anywhere near as knowledgeable as SK on any topic in the realm of fishkeeping ('cept maybe killing ghost shrimp :(), I must agree. I go to both the local Petco and the LFS. I think I'd be a little bummed at the selection at either alone. But, together, their selection actually complements one another quite well. For example, I generally get my plants from the LFS and will buy my rummynose tetras (I think I've decided on them) from there, but I go to Petco for my ghost shrimp and will buy that cute little mikrogeophagus altispinosus if he's still there once my 29G has cycled.