Well we've finally decided to get a tank that's bigger then 10 Gallons and after some careful thought we've decided to make a planted home for a pair of Bolivian Rams.
The Equipment:
29G Tank
200W 40-60 Heater
Penguin Biowheel 200 Filter
60W Full Spectrum Lighting (Likely going to need to be upgraded first)
Play Sand for substrate
Various Plants, Rocks and driftwood
The stocking list:
6 Black Skirt Tetras (3 will be relocated from my 10G)
6 Rummy nose or glolite tetras
4-5 Otos
2 Bolvian Rams (we may grab 4 juviniles to increase chances of having a pair)
So far. The sand is in, waiting for the water to uncloud then cycling and aquascaping shall begin!
The Equipment:
29G Tank
200W 40-60 Heater
Penguin Biowheel 200 Filter
60W Full Spectrum Lighting (Likely going to need to be upgraded first)
Play Sand for substrate
Various Plants, Rocks and driftwood
The stocking list:
6 Black Skirt Tetras (3 will be relocated from my 10G)
6 Rummy nose or glolite tetras
4-5 Otos
2 Bolvian Rams (we may grab 4 juviniles to increase chances of having a pair)
So far. The sand is in, waiting for the water to uncloud then cycling and aquascaping shall begin!