Hooked Up My New Sump


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
bought this DIY sump on ebay its was a fun little project...

my overflow box got backordered when i bought it so i just recently hooked everything up...
im still adding more sand in the refuge just havent time/money to spend


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Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
Did you find it hard to put together/work with acrylic? I am in the market for a sump and want to DIY it.
the acrylic was really easy to work with it wasnt hard at all.

looks real nice! how much was that?
its at a buy it now price of $144 and this is the sump and overflowbox together... but i happend to catch him auction it off i got it at $125


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
i dont know what part its called but my skimmer is where the tank water flows down to the sump. is that the return section? i am on the market for a ATO but i really dont get how it works... once the water line reaches a certain level what triggers what to suck in more water...?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
exactly! theres a float valve (like in the tank for your toilet) and when the water level gets too low it trigers a pump (small powerhead will work) and automaticlly shuts it off when the correct level is reached.... lol i didnt even see the section all the way to the right! so u do have the skimmer in a seperate section but the return section is IMO way too small that is unless u have an ATO ;) other wise youll be topping off everyday which will get old quick when u come home to the return pump sucking in air


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
ive already woken up with the return sucking up air... i was just wondering do you guys turn off your pumps when you feed? or do you just let everything stay on?
and another thing my yellow gumdrop keeps getting sucked into the back of the overflow box what can i do to prevent that?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i really should turn my pump off when i feed but i dont... once i get my dj power strip and its easy as flipping a switch i will :D .... becarful u may end up burning up your pump if u dont get to it in time! u should get that ATO that i linked to asap

as for the overflow u can use this plastic mesh they sell at home depot to keep leaves out of your gutter ;) i think its called gutter guard