new RBTA!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i just picked up a RBTA from a local reefer .... i only paid $20 which i kno is a pretty good price since i seen one a few weeks back at an lfs for $80 :cool: im drip acclimating it right now but ill snap a few pics once its in the tank!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Tre you realize that this anemone is going to get to be the size of a dinner plate and anything within it's reach is going to be stung by it, so you may want to clear anything from near it now. Then again it may decide it doesn't want to stay there and move.....just make sure if it starts to move you cover any powerheads or other hazards. It is a beautiful specimen and I know it is in good hands.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yeah i kno ... when i was at the guys house he had two of them each bigger than a dinner plate ... he also had 2 carpets and 5 clams! when i first put it in the tank it roamed from one side to the other and ended up about 6" from where i origanally put it lol . when i kno where it wants to be permenetly ill definitly make sure theres nothing too close ;)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Their speed of movement is accelerated by the fact that they ball up and let the water flow move them around, they can float anywhere hence why you want to ensure that your powerheads and drains etc are all meshed over so they can't get sucked in.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Yea that's what happened in my 29g.. That's why i haven't been on here in awhile b/c i was about ready to throw in the towle b/c when my nem died it killed about 75% of the stuff in my tank! all my fish died and most of my corals, after a few big water changes it didn't seem to help any so i just left my lights off for a few days not caring anymore, then one day i turned the lights on and the few remaning corals were opened up and i was like wow there something alive in there lol, so i did a few more waterchanges and everythings doing great again! soooo.. no more nems for me if and when i get some clowns they will find something else to host! lol


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well good luck Tre keep your eye on it and watch for any changes.....the tentacles should be sticky and it should accept feed willingly. Watch how much you feed and don't over feed it. I feed mine a half a silverside each about every 10 days or so and they get what ever they can get from the fish and coral feedings..... I have had mine for 18 months and they have grown to be huge.