Hello and welcome! As Meghan said, this is a great site and I have learned a lot here too.
As for bottomfeeders to consider…I wouldn’t recommend a pleco. They get pretty big (over 12 in. sometimes) so they might outgrow your tank. Corydoras (cories) are awesome bottomfeeders. They clean up the leftovers. There is no fish that actually eats fish poo so you’ll still have to clean
. Ghost shrimp are nice because they are small and also eat junk. Otos eat algae. I can only comment on the ones I have (I’ve never had a pleco but have heard plenty about them.) Check out my website below. It has all the tank inhabitants with pictures so you can look at the types of fish.
If you ever want to breed, cories would be your best choice (in my opinion.) I’m breeding some right now. “Cory Spawning Habits” and “update on cory fry” are some threads you should look at. It’s so much fun!!
Anyway, stick around for more opinions. Are you planning to do a community tank?
Also, if you don’t have a test kit yet, consider the API master test kit. I just got mine and it’s so awesome!
Well, I guess that’s all I have to say. Good luck and have fun here!!