New to this world


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
I have recently purchased a 55g tank. It is cycled and I think it is time to think about "cleaners". I do not need them yet, but I would like to be shopping around. Other than plec's, what critters would any of you guys suggest.


Large Fish
Feb 27, 2008
Lynchburg, Va
Welcome! I have found this to be one of the most informative forums I've been across. Plus, everyone is nice, which always helps.

I have 2 albino cory catfish that seem to do well with eating leftovers. I also feed them shrinking shrimp brine pellets.

Do you have any fish in your tank yet? If not, do you know what you want?

Stick around for advice from everyone else. I'm still learning myself. ;)

Hello and welcome! As Meghan said, this is a great site and I have learned a lot here too.

As for bottomfeeders to consider…I wouldn’t recommend a pleco. They get pretty big (over 12 in. sometimes) so they might outgrow your tank. Corydoras (cories) are awesome bottomfeeders. They clean up the leftovers. There is no fish that actually eats fish poo so you’ll still have to clean :D. Ghost shrimp are nice because they are small and also eat junk. Otos eat algae. I can only comment on the ones I have (I’ve never had a pleco but have heard plenty about them.) Check out my website below. It has all the tank inhabitants with pictures so you can look at the types of fish.

If you ever want to breed, cories would be your best choice (in my opinion.) I’m breeding some right now. “Cory Spawning Habits” and “update on cory fry” are some threads you should look at. It’s so much fun!!

Anyway, stick around for more opinions. Are you planning to do a community tank?

Also, if you don’t have a test kit yet, consider the API master test kit. I just got mine and it’s so awesome!

Well, I guess that’s all I have to say. Good luck and have fun here!! :D


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
Wow. That was quick. I did learn where to put my inhaitants. So they should show up on this post. I do want to have a community aquarium with schooling fish. The sword tails were my 4 yr olds must have. Everyone is getting along well for now. The swords have lost a little off the tail, but it seems it was a welcome to the tank hazing, instead of an ongoing issue. I was hoping that I could use shrimp. I think they are so neat, and everything I have read here leads that way also. How do you figure how many to get?

I am not really trying to have breeding aquarium. But I think that one of my swords is pregnant. I am going to the store to get a seperate device for the fry today. If it works out, I am sure that I will enjoy that just as much as I enjoy just watching them swim.

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Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
Certain kinds of plecos may work -- but think bristlenose or rubbernose, not common. But, they're more of algae maintenance guys than clean up guys.

Cories are great, and so are small loaches (yoyos, zebras, etc.) The loaches will also take care of any snail troubles...


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Well, what exactly do you mean by "cleaners"? As Kissyboots alluded, some fish will "clean" some things; others will take care of other detritus. Some will eat your algae; some will eat leftover food. But, none of them will eat fish poop; that must be siphoned out.

I think that shrimp are great fun to watch. Keep in mind that you're not limited to ghost shrimp (though, they're what I have and I love them). You could get many, many in a tank that size. I wouldn't hesitate to get a dozen or more, if I were you, bunker_1. Just make sure that you don't plan on adding anything to your tank that will eat the shrimp.

And, welcome to the Tank! :)


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
I guess cleaners is not the best choice of words. Shrimp just eat things laying on the bottom? Do I also need to get an algee eater?
I appreciate all of the help!! I will stop at my lfs after work and pick their brains. For some reason, I trust you guys a little more. No book can teach experiance!!


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Shrimp tend to clean up leftover food. Some will eat algae, but I wouldn't depend upon most shrimp to do that.

You can also get snails (if you add plants to your tank, you're likely to end up with (too many!) pond snails). Snails eat leftover food and algae.

Otocinclus catfish, while frail, are supposed to be top-notch algae eaters.

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Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
Most have no clue and the chain stores like Petco and Petsmart. Is that where you go?

No Way!!! I learned my lesson with them when I was looking for the tank. I go to Jack's Aquarium and Pets. I always try to verify what I have been told, that's how I ended up here. You guys have been wonderful!!*thumbsups I will probably start with a few shrimp and an oto and see if i need more.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I wouldn't put shrimp in with Barbs personally... they're mean little buggers.

I would go with like 4 cories and about 5 ottos in a tank that size. But the Ottos need to be in a tank that's well established so make sure it's 100% cycled before you put them in.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Hi I didnt notice where you were from unitl you mentioned Jacks Aquarium, I havent really lived in cincy since I was 18 but monfort aquarium on Colerain Ave was very good when I was growing up, i'm not sure if it is still there, I am guessing your going to the Jacks Aquarium and pets over by where thrifway used to be just past 275 and colerain ave, very good store that i used alot when i was a teenager.

Anyway welcome to the tank, I personally think that with a 55g you would be fine with a Pleco but they do grow big and are poop machines, but that said I have mine in with 2 oscars and never have any water quality issues but I usually do a 30-50% water change every week or two. If your going solely with community fish then Otto's may be the way to go but I dont know anything about them or shrimp, but if you have any slightly aggresive fish the pleco may be your best bet.


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
You guys have been fantastic! I really enjoy reading everything almost as much as watching my fish. I did take Tab's advice, kind of. Jack's allowed me to trade the barbs for store credit. My little girl really wanted shrimp and the barbs were getting to be pests to the community. We ended up getting 3 colors of glow fish to match her rocks that decorate the substrate. I have heard that they are hard to keep alive, thank goodness for the 14 day gaurantee. I can't wait to let you guys know if my sword has little ones and how they are doing.

I would like to get some good pictures to post, if anyone has advice on how to keep them from being blurry, I would appreciate it.

Brian, it is the same Jack's but it moved with Wal-Mart over by cross county hwy. I will look into Monfort. Thanks for the avice. Hope Colorado Springs is doing good for you. I have enjoyed there every time I have been.

Again thank you guys for all of your help. I hope soon I will know what I am doing so I can be so helpful. Until then, look for more, holy crap what do I do, questions!!