Blue Ram in 14g


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
I think you could get away with, but it'd be a tad overstocked.

I'm not sure if the ram and gourami would have problems together. I have no reason to believe they would; I'm just not sure one way or the other.

And, remember that GBRs need good water quality. So, with the slight overstocking, you'll need to keep on top of your nitrates.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
The only issue with a ram is that they're bottom dwelling and some what territorial and a 14G is tall rather then long giving it the same foot print as a 10G (iirc). If you put one in there you'll have to keep a very close eye on your cories (the emeralds can grow quite large after all, easily as large as the Ram given time) for any territory issues, particularly them being bullied by the more aggressive fish. And also with your flame gourami which are also known to be territorial.

If your cories use that cave one of the things that might help is moving it into a corner and creating a seperate territory on the opposite corner in hopes that's what the Ram claims?

Alter's got a pair in a 10G he might have some more ideas.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
My GBRs and tetras both eat the wafers that I put in the tank for the otos. I have heard that the corys and GBRs don't do well with each other, but I haven't had any corys so I can't say for sure.

My tank is pretty heavily decorated and planted so there are tons of hiding spots for other fish and the GBRs don't seem to bother others too much. They will go after my tetras and even my otos when they spawn, but when they don't they kind of ignore them. If your only going to add one GBR then he won't be trying to spawn and will probably be calmer towards other fish. If you add a pair I think you would be looking at problems but just one in there might be ok.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Your GBR is leaving your ghost shrimp alone iapetus?
To my surprise, yes! I bought her sort of on a whim and forgot about my concern with the shrimp. So, I monitored the situation closely (I only picked her up last weekend) and I haven't seen any problems. The ghost shrimp are both pretty big; the bigger of the two might even be bigger than my GBR!

She's basically staked out the left half of the tank and spends her non-eating time in and around the sword plant that's there (right now she's on the right picking at one of the cories' wafers :p).

Like alter said, she pretty much ignores the other fish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
OMG that's a huge ghost shrimp. Mine are just little babies. I'm not putting them into the big tank till I have some moss and stuff in there.


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
I can't help but think you may not have an emerald cory, Tab. My emerald cories (corydoras aeneus) are about 2" long and that's about all I have ever seen them.

I believe you may have some kind of brochis, which are larger but otherwise "look" identical to the aeneus cories. Easiest way is to count the dorsal rays, 6-8 = aeneus cory, 10-12 = brochis.

Brochis splendens


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
If it's these little suckers they get up to 3 1/2". The brochis which are the only ones I've ever seen labeled as 'emerald cories'.

Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: Emerald Green Cory Cat

The aeneus are usually labelled Bronze cories up here but that could be a local things. God knows how many times I've seen the same fish labeled 6 differant things in 6 differant places.

Last edited:


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
I only mention it for clarity on everyones count. When I bought my bronze corys (corydoras aeneus) they were labeled as being "Emerald Green Cory Cat", and every Petco I have been in also has the aeneus labeled as such...

sometimes the Petco has the aeneus and sometimes the brochis splendens, both with the same "name" on the tank. Makes a big (literally) difference.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
If it's these little suckers they get up to 3 1/2". The brochis which are the only ones I've ever seen labeled as 'emerald cories'.

Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: Emerald Green Cory Cat

The aeneus are usually labelled Bronze cories up here but that could be a local things. God knows how many times I've seen the same fish labeled 6 differant things in 6 differant places.
In Tab's defense, I have almost never seen corydoras aeneus referred to as anything other than a bronze cory.

Right, that's a brochis... it's not actually a cory, though it is often mislabeled as such.

Only fish from the corydoras family are "cories". Brochis get quite a bit larger than the true "emerald green cory" which is a corydoras aeneus.
You are correct, brochis splendens aren't cories. But, I hear them referred to by a number of names, one of which is emerald cory. Recognizing that they aren't true cories, I always refer to them as emerald catfish.

(OK, I'm seeing in this one source that corydoras aeneus are called green cories, but that same source also refers to brochis splendens as emerald cories.)


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
In Tab's defense, I have almost never seen corydoras aeneus referred to as anything other than a bronze cory.
I've seen them (bronze corys) labeled as "emerald green corys" at Petco (a large chain) many times. I agree that usually they are labeled right.

Any how it doesn't matter much. What matters is what's actually in this tank.
Potatoes and Potatoes after all.
I know, I know. I just wanted to clarify.

In terms of aggression, it doesn't matter. My GBR's historically have been very aggressive to the cory's in my tank. They've never injured them, though.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
I've seen them (bronze corys) labeled as "emerald green corys" at Petco (a large chain) many times. I agree that usually they are labeled right.
Y'know, now that I think about it, my LCS (Petco) keeps the bronze cories and emerald catfish together and has that same label on their tanks. Maybe I was giving them too much credit? :rolleyes:

Whatever, though. I know I can tell the difference, even if the Petco people can't.

In terms of aggression, it doesn't matter. My GBR's historically have been very aggressive to the cory's in my tank. They've never injured them, though.
Interesting. As I mentioned, I don't see that at all. My GBR picks at their wafers, but that's about it. Sometimes, they'll even pick at the same wafer at the same time without any fighting.

Jul 12, 2007
Where else?
I'm not sure that your flame and gbr will mix well. Mine have plenty of fights over space, food, and women(ok, maybe not women). I have to put 1 algae wafer on each side of the tank to keep them at bay. Even then, they still fight.