GBR Nutrition


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
My new female GBR has easily got to be the pickiest fish I've ever had! She doesn't like the tropical food crisps all my other fish eat. She doesn't even like fresh, live brine shrimp!!! (C'mon, who on this Earth, aside from vegans, can resist live brine shrimp??? I know I sure can't.) She goes for them, but then spits 'em right back out! :confused:

I've found that she does like Hikari sinking wafers (they're meant for the cories :rolleyes: ) and she will take flake food. She devours the live blackworms I feed. But, I'm still wondering if there's some staple out there that I should be feeding her.

So, what do you feed your GBR?

(Yeah, she's my first cichlid! What? Is it that obvious? ;))


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I feed mine flakes and both of mine take them with no problem. They were picky for a couple of days after I got them though. I also feed freeze-dried bloodworms a couple times a week.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
How long after you got her did you try flakes?

I've seen fish new too tanks that won't go up to the top to feed for a couple days until they've settled (I have some floating around in my 29 right now!). I'd just give her a couple days and try flakes again if she's still really new.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
How long after you got her did you try flakes?

I've seen fish new too tanks that won't go up to the top to feed for a couple days until they've settled (I have some floating around in my 29 right now!). I'd just give her a couple days and try flakes again if she's still really new.
I've been giving her (and the other fish in my tank) flakes sinceI got her last Sunday. She takes them, but only after they settle down to where she happens to be.

But, y'know, the funny thing is that none of my fish ever come to the surface to feed anymore. They all wait for the food to settle. (The gold pristella tetras used to do this, but stopped some time ago.) I don't know what that's about. The problem with that in my 10G is that the excess food gets caught in the hornwort. I usually have to go in and knock that out of the hornwort so it doesn't sit there and rot.

I feed all my fish New Life Spectrum foods. Best foods on the market today IMO. Wouldn't use anything else. ;) They have pellets in all sorts of sizes too. All of my fish go crazy for it.
Yeah, I remember you mentioning it yesterday. I'll have to see if my LFS stocks it.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
My GBRs didn't take food from the top after I got them and instead waited for the food to come to them. Eventually they started taking it right from the top but it did take a few days.

Jul 12, 2007
Where else?
I feed mine flake food in the morning and I switch btween frozen bloodworms and brineshrimp at night. Also, I throw in half an algae wafer every once and a while.

The rams only nibble at the flakes but go crazy over the worms and algae wafers.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
my GBR's where the same way, I also use very small sinking pellets by new life spectrum and the GBR's love them. The flakes and pellet usually settle in the plants as well but the fish usually pick it off rather quickly, i found that the 5 minute rule really doesnt apply with apisto's or my GBR's as they will search and pick up pieces over the course of the evening. I just feed lightly and let them eat at their own pace. But my stap;e is flakes and the pellets with frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms as a weekly treat.

Jul 12, 2007
Where else?
The two I have are always hesitant about goind to the top. They wait for the food to reach the middle to bottem of the tank. just like brain said, they love to nibble at what they can find and then go though the gravel to find more food.


Medium Fish
Sep 25, 2006
mine loves Hikari dried bloodworm. they didnt like flakes at first, started feeding what they love and added a little bit of flakes once in awhile. now they eat anything :)


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
I feed all my fish New Life Spectrum foods. Best foods on the market today IMO. Wouldn't use anything else. ;) They have pellets in all sorts of sizes too. All of my fish go crazy for it.
So, I picked some up New Life Spectrum Cichlid Formula food for my GBR today. She seemed more interested in the blackworms I fed, though. Can't say I blame her. :p

How much of that stuff do you feed?

Oct 27, 2007
I have tried keeping German Blue Rams and failed. We have had six fish die within days of getting them. Our water perameters have been fine. Could someone post the ideal conditions for GBRs with regard to temperature and ph. I'd love to try again and perhaps try a different supplier. The first four fish came from a batch where the store owner had left them in a bag for over 24 hours. Our water is very soft and acidic.

Any help would be appreciated. You all seem to do well with them.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Well, I was kinda hoping someone else would post (I was also away on travel).

I understand that GBRs are pretty picky about their water parameters. Keeping your nitrates low with frequent water changes is a good idea.

I like the information they supply over at Aqualand. They've got information on keeping rams. There's also information in the Profiles section here.