Would this be a possibility?


Small Fish
May 11, 2008
Well today I bought 6 new neon tetra for my tank to go with my Betta and 3 red platies, err... Looking around the tank I only see 5 tetra....Looked in my filter and Around every ornament, Is it possible Mr.Betta Killed it? I would expect to see remains of if it was killed :S


Small Fish
May 11, 2008
Found him! It is really quite sad really, he is a runt and he is being chased by the Betta, he is like super small, small enough to go up my filter, he just hung really high in the corners and didn't even come out during feeding time (going to need to get some flake, the bloodworms are bigger then the tetra :p) So I got the little runt In the net (after i thought i had killed him) I have him sitting in the water getting all warmed up to his little 1 gallon tank to himself until he grows a bit. I am a softy :D


Small Fish
May 11, 2008
Well have betta has calmed down alot, in terms of chasing the tetra and the tetra don't bother the betta, but this morning i decided against tetra in his own tank, but today I can't find him again, he isn't in the top corners where I found him last time, I don't think hes in the filter and I do not see any remains on the bottom, hopefuly he is just hiding in the top part of the skull ornament.


What I think about putting the betta in a smaller bowl is a little unfair, I think the moving from tank to tank will stress him out big time, The smaller 1g tank hasn't got a heater so the drop in temperature would be extreme, the 10g tank is pretty warm and they all seem happy. I will let it roll for a bit and see how they get along, If it doesn't go well I am saving for a 25 gallon tank and mr betta can have that to himself until I find good compatible fish for the Betta. (I love Betta more than any other fish:p)

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