Alleni Trio

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
In general, P. alleni should be housed individually.
They are quite aggressive, and any attempt at housing them together---particularly in smaller (under 4 ft.) tanks---is very risky.

For those of you expressing interest in getting juvies from my brood...
I'll be putting up a thread in the Buy/Sell/Trade section with further details as they get closer to shippable size. Also, feel free to send a PM at any time, and I will do my best to accommodate everyone's requests.

Gerald...yup, a 15 gal. for a single alleni would be absolutely fine.
BV ;)


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
Not recommended in a community. Will take out bottom dwellers, inverts, and slow moving fish.
That's not saying you CAN'T put them in though...if the tank is big enough and you don't put them with any fish you wouldn't mind replacing... ;-)

I've got lots of bottom dwellers in with mine. And the only thing she ever caught was a couple of danios and a tiger barb. The plecos sometimes run right into her too! But it's a huge tank with lots of fast moving fish.