Dying Fish...puzzled


Small Fish
Jun 16, 2008
I've had a 24-gallon tank set up since January and have had no problems until recently...I have fish dying ALOT lately. I've changed the water, tested the pH, tested nitrates, ammonia, and nitrites, and everything is normal.

Ammonia and nitrites are 0ppm and Nitrates are 5 ppm.

Today I came home from work and noticed one of my guppies in the top corner with a visible wound on his back. Yesterday a platy looked like it was pecked.
In recent weeks, the fish that are dying look "dry" and eventually just stop eating.

The only thing that I can think of that has changed is that I added 2 Siamese algae eaters. Since I added them, it seems my fish are dying more and more. I see them chasing each other around the tank, but have not seen them attacking other fish. I've read elsewhere that the Siamese algae eaters will attack other fish and ruin their slime coat.

Given that I've been changing and testing the water, I'm beginning to think that the algae eaters are the culprit. I put them in a separate tank tonight to see if there would be any difference.

Has anyone had any experience with algae eaters attacking other fish, or could it be something else?? I'm at a loss right now trying to figure out what is going on.


Small Fish
Jun 16, 2008
Welcome to the site :)

Chinese algae eaters are more notorious for sucking the slimecoat of other fish. Are you sure they're Siamese algae eaters?
I just did a search again and my algae eaters might be Chinese algae eaters. I looked at some pictures and although they look similar, they look more like the Chinese algae eaters than they do the siamese ones. In the store (PetSmart) they were just labeled as "algae eaters".


Small Fish
Jun 16, 2008
Yes, the ones at PetSmart are usually Chinese algae eaters. If they're still under the guarantee, I'd suggest you take them back. They don't do a lot of algae clean up, and tend to be aggressive.

I appreciate the help. I called PetSmart and they will take them back even though I no longer have the receipt.


Medium Fish
May 5, 2008
Chinese algae eaters like to "EAT" the slime coat off of other fish, injuring them in the process, and they usually die from infection.

I wish they wouldn't sell those fish as "algae eaters", since they stop eating algae as they mature, and get to be bullies.

Good luck.


Small Fish
Jun 16, 2008
Update (and MANY thanks to you all!): I've had the algae eaters separate from the other fish (this is the 3rd day now) and I'll be returning them Saturday when I'm off of work.

In those three days...NO dead fish, and NO sick looking/injured fish. I did a partial water change last night too just after adding some antifungal/anti-bacterial a few days ago as an extra precaution, but based on the feedback, the little "criminals" (the algae eaters) are in solitary confinement now. *thumbsups