I accidentally purchased an african cichlid (long story). I had no place to keep him so I dropped him into a 10g with some danios for a few days while I set up his own 10g until I decided what to do about him. I also have a 20g planted tank but couldn't put him in there because the PH is way too low.
Anyway, I got a bad case of sticker shock looking for a 30g + tank and stand. The tanks are reasonable, but the stands are outrageous. Pet Supermarket had a closeout on 20g stands (perfecto majesty) and I was going to put the cichlid in his own 20 g. They had a 40g with stand for $129 so I got that for the cichlid. It is not a 40 breeder and has the similar dimensions to a 38 or 45 (36 x 12 inch x ? Height ) .
The cichlid appears to be a blue peacock, but since he is only 1.5 inches, he has very little coloring, only a slight trace of blue at the frotn edge of the dorsal fin. He lo0ks almost exactly like the female picture on liveaquaria.com blue peacock profile.
The width of the 40g is the same as the 20g so my question is which is better for all my fish. The 20 g is slightly overstocked, but planted and with schooling tetras and cory's and otos to keep it clean. Would the cichlid be ok in the 20g with 2 females? Would the better choice to be to plant the 40 and put all my tetra's. blue rams, cory's and otos in it and put the cichlid with a few mates in the 20, or leave the 20 and set the 40 up as an african cichlid tank? If I do the 40, what is compatible with a blue peacock? I have read that you cannot mix mbuna's with peacocks, nor can you mix male peacocks of the same species. I have also read that haps will mix as well as yellow labs, but am confused because yellow labs are mbuna. I had thought of putting caves on each side and keeping the middle open with a few plants to keep them separate.
I do not trust the fish stores because they put all the cichlids in one tank and label them misc african cichlids and have no idea what any of them are. They mostly look like yellow labs and zebras in the misc african cichlids.
I know these fish get to be 4-6 inches and really need a 55g to thrive, but a bigger tank is totally out of the question right now.
Anyway, please bear in mind that I need to consider all of my fish and larger schools for the teras and cory's would be very beneficial for them, possibly more so than the bigger tank for the cichlid.
Anyway, I got a bad case of sticker shock looking for a 30g + tank and stand. The tanks are reasonable, but the stands are outrageous. Pet Supermarket had a closeout on 20g stands (perfecto majesty) and I was going to put the cichlid in his own 20 g. They had a 40g with stand for $129 so I got that for the cichlid. It is not a 40 breeder and has the similar dimensions to a 38 or 45 (36 x 12 inch x ? Height ) .
The cichlid appears to be a blue peacock, but since he is only 1.5 inches, he has very little coloring, only a slight trace of blue at the frotn edge of the dorsal fin. He lo0ks almost exactly like the female picture on liveaquaria.com blue peacock profile.
The width of the 40g is the same as the 20g so my question is which is better for all my fish. The 20 g is slightly overstocked, but planted and with schooling tetras and cory's and otos to keep it clean. Would the cichlid be ok in the 20g with 2 females? Would the better choice to be to plant the 40 and put all my tetra's. blue rams, cory's and otos in it and put the cichlid with a few mates in the 20, or leave the 20 and set the 40 up as an african cichlid tank? If I do the 40, what is compatible with a blue peacock? I have read that you cannot mix mbuna's with peacocks, nor can you mix male peacocks of the same species. I have also read that haps will mix as well as yellow labs, but am confused because yellow labs are mbuna. I had thought of putting caves on each side and keeping the middle open with a few plants to keep them separate.
I do not trust the fish stores because they put all the cichlids in one tank and label them misc african cichlids and have no idea what any of them are. They mostly look like yellow labs and zebras in the misc african cichlids.
I know these fish get to be 4-6 inches and really need a 55g to thrive, but a bigger tank is totally out of the question right now.
Anyway, please bear in mind that I need to consider all of my fish and larger schools for the teras and cory's would be very beneficial for them, possibly more so than the bigger tank for the cichlid.