Betta questions

Apr 1, 2008
I have two bettas, both in separate aquariums. I am wanting to get each of them a bigger one, possibly with a filter and pump. Are there any other fish I can put with them? (maybe guppies, neon tetras, something small and not at all aggressive or that would be intimidating to my bettas)

My second question is what's the best type of live plant to put in their aquariums?

And my last question is that one of my bettas is very shy, even sine I've gotten him. Sometimes he eats, sometimes he doesn't. Very quiet, not to interested in much of anything. I'm not too worried about him since he seems to be doing fine but he has lost a little bit of color since I've gotten him and so maybe I should worry. Anyway, any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
As for live plants that depends a lot on what kind of lighting you have. I recommend starting with Java Fern, Java Moss and Anubis. THey're all easy and hearty.

As for Betta tank mates they can go with a LOT of other fish. They're suprisingly good tank mates as long as you don't have them with anything aggressive or with long flowy fins (I would avoid guppies for that reason).

Tank Size is a big factor too. If you're going with two 10Gs I would recommend with one that you get maybe 4 peppered cories, they'll hang out on the bottom while the Betta dominates the top. In the other tank get 4 little Ottos (once the tank is fully cycled! Ottos are sensitive to water chemistery) and 4 to 6 ember tetras, they're small enough that they can actually school in a small tank.

At least that's what I would do!


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I agree with silver, get them each 10 gallons. You could add a small school of tetras with them. Or maybe do your 1 betta, and maybe 5 white cloud minnows. You want to avoid anything with long fins, the betta will attack them.

If the betta that is losing some color is in an uncycled tank, that could probably be why he's acting the way he is. If you don't know about cycling a tank, I'm sure you can do a search and find a ton of information on it.

As far as type of plants, it'll depend on your lighting, and whether you'll be injecting CO2. You could add some stem plants, they grow quickly and soak up a lot of the nutrients in the water, and some don't require very high lighting or co2.

Apr 1, 2008
What size of tanks are they in? You should look into getting two 10gals if you can. As for tank mates, i would say cory cats. I can't think of anything else that you could get without the bettas attacking :rolleyes: For live plants you should look into some Hornwart for the top and maybe some java moss for the bottom.
they are in 2 gals right now, which i know isn't close to being big enough. I've only had them for about a month now so it was kind of temporary until I can afford something a little bigger (between jobs right now, it sucks)

I never would of thought cory cats but those are pretty neat so I wouldn't mind.

I'll look into buying those plants. Thanks for the help!

anyone else have some opinions or advice feel free to tell me!


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
You might have problems with the guppies. Mine would attack the guppies when the female was ready to mate.

Cory cats are great, so are otos, but it's all relative to the size of the tank. If your going with something like a 5 gallon I'd go with the oto.

Light will be a determining factor in what kind of plants you can keep. Java moss was mentioned. Java fern and anubias are good low light plants. Hornwort may or may not shed under low light conditions.

Apr 1, 2008
As for live plants that depends a lot on what kind of lighting you have. I recommend starting with Java Fern, Java Moss and Anubis. THey're all easy and hearty.

As for Betta tank mates they can go with a LOT of other fish. They're suprisingly good tank mates as long as you don't have them with anything aggressive or with long flowy fins (I would avoid guppies for that reason).

Tank Size is a big factor too. If you're going with two 10Gs I would recommend with one that you get maybe 4 peppered cories, they'll hang out on the bottom while the Betta dominates the top. In the other tank get 4 little Ottos (once the tank is fully cycled! Ottos are sensitive to water chemistery) and 4 to 6 ember tetras, they're small enough that they can actually school in a small tank.

At least that's what I would do!
Sweet, thanks for the help. I just figured my betta could use a little company. I've been reading about them getting along with other fish but no one really specifies what type of fish to get.

Apr 1, 2008
I agree with silver, get them each 10 gallons. You could add a small school of tetras with them. Or maybe do your 1 betta, and maybe 5 white cloud minnows. You want to avoid anything with long fins, the betta will attack them.

If the betta that is losing some color is in an uncycled tank, that could probably be why he's acting the way he is. If you don't know about cycling a tank, I'm sure you can do a search and find a ton of information on it.

As far as type of plants, it'll depend on your lighting, and whether you'll be injecting CO2. You could add some stem plants, they grow quickly and soak up a lot of the nutrients in the water, and some don't require very high lighting or co2.
I have a tropical 30 gal with a variety of fish that just finished cycling about 2-3 months ago so I have a little experience with cycling. I thought that might be the reason why my betta was loosing a little color but I wasn't completely sure. I think the new aquarium will make my fish a lot more happy.

Apr 1, 2008
You might have problems with the guppies. Mine would attack the guppies when the female was ready to mate.

Cory cats are great, so are otos, but it's all relative to the size of the tank. If your going with something like a 5 gallon I'd go with the oto.

Light will be a determining factor in what kind of plants you can keep. Java moss was mentioned. Java fern and anubias are good low light plants. Hornwort may or may not shed under low light conditions.
I think i would be in the low light category. So those would probably be my best bet along with some other plants the others above mentioned. (wow sooo many responses! i didn't expect that)

I figured the guppies might be alright because they are pretty small but they do have flowy fins so they probably aren't the best.

thanks everyone!!!!!!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Sweet, thanks for the help. I just figured my betta could use a little company. I've been reading about them getting along with other fish but no one really specifies what type of fish to get.
Make sure you get some tall plants (real or fake) and stick them in a corner. bettas like this it becomes their turf.

My bettas prefer company in all honesty. Infact my female betta when she was in with the cories would always play with them carrying their food and making them chase after her. Right now she's the Queen of the Grow Out tank, lording over whom ever else is in there with her till they get big enough to play with the bigger fishes.

The only thing you have to be careful of is if you have fast fish they will grab up all the food before your betta gets it. Do yourself a favor and pick a up a Feeding ring or make one yourself. It'll help with this.

Apr 1, 2008
Make sure you get some tall plants (real or fake) and stick them in a corner. bettas like this it becomes their turf.

My bettas prefer company in all honesty. Infact my female betta when she was in with the cories would always play with them carrying their food and making them chase after her. Right now she's the Queen of the Grow Out tank, lording over whom ever else is in there with her till they get big enough to play with the bigger fishes.

The only thing you have to be careful of is if you have fast fish they will grab up all the food before your betta gets it. Do yourself a favor and pick a up a Feeding ring or make one yourself. It'll help with this.
I was JUST about to ask about what to do with feeding actually! *SUPERSMIL

What exactly is a feeding ring?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
It's a little ring that suction cups to the side of the tank. You put the food in it and the sides prevent the water current from carrying the food away.

They're essential if you have slow movers in a tank.


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008
i second that

I second that . No fish with flowing fins . They love to hide . Hornwort, water lettuce, and they love ceratopteris thalictroides because it sprouts new plants off of its branches they love to pull at them and take them to the top . they seem so proud of themselves for there work. Just make sure to keep your floating plants from blocking all the light . Just a suggestion from my experience . I put an in tank 30 gal filter in my 10 gal and two cfc bulbs in my hood. The filter is directly under the bulb so algae moss and hair algae grows on the spout and off the aerobic filter . its supposed to suck up nitrates . My ten is VERY low maintenance. The algae growth wasnt planned it just happened . it seems to work .enjoy

Just an idea what goes well with bettas, I've had all the following together:
Corydoras' (cories/cory cats)
Otoclinus' (otos)
Black neon tetras
Ghost shrimp
Bamboo shrimp
Chinese algae eater

My current setup is in my sig.
All I have to note is that avoid the chinese algae eater. He attacks other fish. He left my betta alone but was pretty agressive towards the swords.
Also, imo, tetras are boring. I know some people love them cuz they school together, but you really need a large group to make it look cool. I unfortunately only have room for like four, so they are pretty boring. I'd save that space and get something else.
Choosing between cories and otos is not that hard. Cories need lots of space on the ground and "shade" like a castle. Mine like to hang out in it. They eat leftovers. Otos swim everywhere and like to attach themselves to plants, aquarium wall, and other stuff (unlike the chinese algae eater who attaches himself to other fish ;)) but they eat algae, not leftovers. Although both fish like to eat algae wafers. Also, both are pretty "non-existant," as in, they don't bother anyone, and no one knows they are there.
If you had a larger tank (mine's a 20g) then I'd say get some of both. But since you're only getting a 10g, I'd got with a couple cories. Just remember they like to be in groups.
One final note, it really depends on your betta. Males tend to be more aggressive than females, but ime, Juju (m), Kissyboots (f), and Finfin (m) were all pretty much the same. Finfin will randomly chase a fish away for a couple seconds, but it's nothing serious. So I'd say, any community that stays small would probably work for you.
Ok, I'm done now. :D Hope that helped.