Stocking 20 G

Jul 15, 2008
Hi! I am new here; have been lurking a few days. :)

Anyway, I just started cycling a 20 G tank. I would love to put some YoYo loaches in it once it is ready. But, I am wondering how many are acceptable in that size tank? And, I would love to have a few other fish in it.. I really don't have a big preference, but I would love something that isn't a "bottom feeder" as the loaches are. I was thinking maybe some mollies or platies?

I have had fish in the past (Mostly goldfish), and my dad used to be an avid fish keeper, but we aren't sure how to stock a tank with loaches in it..



Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
With that kind of foot print i would say that you could pull it off. although it is pushing it. Maybe like 3 yoyos and then i would say 2-3 platies or mollies but that sounds kinda boring to me. Is there any other bottom fish that you like?

Jul 15, 2008
With that kind of foot print i would say that you could pull it off. although it is pushing it. Maybe like 3 yoyos and then i would say 2-3 platies or mollies but that sounds kinda boring to me. Is there any other bottom fish that you like?
I am really partial to the loaches-- But I am open to different things.. If you have anything in mind, I would love to hear!


I have a 20g but not a "long" one. :)
I have peppered cories as the bottomfeeders in mine. I've even raised a couple by myself.
I also had/have swordtails, otos, black neon tetras, and ghost shrimp in there. That's a typical community tank. :D Swordtails are similar to mollies and platies, but I hear that mollies get pretty big.
If you want something more interesting, you might consider getting rams. I'm planning to switch my swordtails with a couple rams and rasboras in a couple weeks.

I don't know much about loaches, but if FishGeek says this:
Yoyo's in a 20G??? Not sure that I would.
then I wouldn't get the loaches. :)


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I was thinking Khulies also CMan, after I type what I did. There are many other less common fish that you could do if thats what you are going for. Just take a look around on some fish sites and at your LFS (local fish store ;)). BUT BEFORE BUYING do some research. Dont listen to the staff. The majority of the time they are just trying to sell something and dont really have much knowledge.

Jul 15, 2008
I was thinking Khulies also CMan, after I type what I did. There are many other less common fish that you could do if thats what you are going for. Just take a look around on some fish sites and at your LFS (local fish store ;)). BUT BEFORE BUYING do some research. Dont listen to the staff. The majority of the time they are just trying to sell something and dont really have much knowledge.

Thanks! I will defintely do that. You (and everyone one else!) have been a ton of help! :)