First Acan Tomorrow!

Picking up my first Acan tomorrow mornign after work for $35... best price I've found so far, I believe it is about 4 heads. I'm super excited. They are called Army Green... which of coruse is awesome for me :)

I'll try to get pics up before I leave for Iowa, otherwise definately when I get back. I have gotten my hands on a few nice new frags lately and everything is growing and doing great, so it is time for some new pics!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
really nice price

i think at my lfs they have a beautiful reddish one wit 14 or so heads for 200$ theyll die of course but their nice to look at :) my manager is stupid for pricin them so high


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
really nice price

i think at my lfs they have a beautiful reddish one wit 14 or so heads for 200$ theyll die of course but their nice to look at :) my manager is stupid for pricin them so high
why would they die? and some acans do cost more depending on the colors...its all about supply n demand! if someone somewhere is willing to pay it theyll charge it :p