Mad phat fish killer? Coral Banded Shrimp


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I put a Coral Banded Shrimp in my tank last week and one of my juve clowns was gone the next day. I'm blaming the shrimp but I can't really be positive. Anyone have one that's eaten your fish?

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Do you have any type of cover on your tank? Maybe he had a fit of depression and decided to jump. Kind of hard to believe that a Coral banded shrimp would do such a thing, and if so, that the skeleton would be gone that quick. I was doing some tank maintenance a couple months back and I had a clown jump out on me. He jumped so quick that I almost didn't see him do it.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Do you have any type of cover on your tank? Maybe he had a fit of depression and decided to jump. Kind of hard to believe that a Coral banded shrimp would do such a thing, and if so, that the skeleton would be gone that quick. I was doing some tank maintenance a couple months back and I had a clown jump out on me. He jumped so quick that I almost didn't see him do it.
Yeah it's a 12 gallon Aquapod so it's sealed I went through all the filtration area in the back today just in case I missed it but nope. So it's a mystery, if it died on it's own the clean up crew sure did an efficient job over a few hours of leaving no trace. I'm perplexed to say the least. Since then I never see the shrimp he hangs out upside down under a rock during the day. The other clown is fine so I'm not thinking it's the shrimp now.