Oscar + tank pics

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Wow he is a pretty. No way that is a LFS Oscar?
Thanks, Pure...I got him at PetSmart.
He was about 1.5" (TL) back in June of '07, and now he's about 10.0" (TL).

Pure said:
Didn't the Salvini have a mate?
A year or so ago I had a 55 gal. tank setup with a pair which spawned once, but that involved a different male who has since been parted with.

I've had the current male salvini since November of '07, and he's grown from about 1.5" (TL) to roughly 6.0" (TL).



Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Wow, just goes to show you what good clean water can do for a fish as it grows.

How large would you say the Salvini's mouth is? Think he could eat 3 inch plecs? I'm looking for larg"er" cichlids to go in my 90 gal plec tank.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
How large would you say the Salvini's mouth is? Think he could eat 3 inch plecs? I'm looking for larg"er" cichlids to go in my 90 gal plec tank.
Well...ahem...you may be somewhat shocked and dismayed by this, but that 4" peppermint pleco listed in my sig. has been living with these two brutes for at least a month now (I had him in a different tank a couple months prior to moving him into this one). I don't know how he survives, to be honest. :eek:

Moving him there was done to free up tankspace for my blue crayfish growouts. Not an ideal scenario for the pleco. Sounds terrible, but I fully expected to see him sticking out of the oscar's mouth one day. Yet somehow he has made his home in that cave on the right side of the tank. I've seen him in the middle of it before, and he just darts into some nook or cranny whenever one of the cichlids swims near him or he gets spooked.

As messy as those cichlids are, I figure he's been getting enough food by scavenging on the bottom of the tank---I always feed on the pleco's cave side of the tank. Plus, I do occasionally drop sinking foods in there for him after lights-out. Of course I don't want him to starve to death, and he seems to be doing okay thus far.

Pure...am I a horrible pleco keeper? :eek:


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
lol naw, we often have to make due with a less than ideal situations due to what ever reason. It sucks, but there isn't much you can do about it. Look at it this way, if he gets eaten you are just matching his natural habitat better.

If he is a L183 (peppermint pleco) the left over scraps are good for him. Even though 183s are ancistrus (bn) they require more meat in their diet.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Thanks for the comments, everyone. :)

Pure...I'll post up a pic of him in the Bottomfeeder section.
Doubt I can get him out of hiding for any new ones, but I'm pretty sure I've got some from a couple months ago.

they both look great BV. how much of a water change do you do? and you do it weekly?
50% (technically a little bit more than that) once a week


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Pure...I'll post up a pic of him in the Bottomfeeder section.
Doubt I can get him out of hiding for any new ones, but I'm pretty sure I've got some from a couple months ago.
Scratch that idea.
I just don't seem to have any.

Getting a new one will be tough, at best, but I'll post one up over in the Bottomdweller section if/whenever I manage to get one.