New tank: moving stuff around?

So this whole $1 per gallon at Petco is making me want to pursue that 55g...:) I'm heading over to Pets Inc. in like half an hour to check out their used stuff (tanks and stands and setups.)

If I do get a 55g or whatever other size they have, I'm gonna need to get rid of my current tanks.

My plan is as follows:

-Get rid of the swordtails (Petco)
-Mega clean the 6.6g
-Re-cycle the 6.6g with filter cartridge from before and plants and castle from 20g (get new gravel for it)
-Move cories and otos into 6.6g
-Cycle 55g with gravel from empty 20g and castle from 5g (need to get extra gravel as well)
-Move cories into 55g
-Move puffer into 6.6g with otos

Does that look ok? My question is the cycling, because I've never done it properly I need to add some Biospira? Or does that just speed it up? How long would it take without Biospira?

I appreciate all the input I can get!!! :D Thanks!

Sep 11, 2007
I cycled with fish and bio spira from scratch (no old filters or anything) and had a finished cycle within a week. and my cycle was -very- minor. Just make sure the place you buy it from keeps it refrigerated.

I think that if your current filter is big enough for the 55g, and if you're using all that old gravel, you shouldn't really have much of one to begin with... I mean all you're actually -changing- in the new tank is adding new gravel and more water. That wouldn't start your cycle over in your small tank, so why would it in the big tank?

Jun 21, 2008
I'm still cycling a 55 gallon with fish an biospira, and it's taken 4 weeks, and it's still getting there. Maybe I did something wrong, but I know it was refrigerated, so you have to make your own call on whether or not to use it. The new version doesn't have to be refrigerated, but I haven't used it. Ok, so let me clarify a couple points: The plants, and castle from the 20g are going in the 6.6g? And the filter "from before"? From before when? If it is from before in this tank from when it was cycled, and the media has stayed wet, that might work. And the gravel from the 20g and the castle from the 5g are going in the new 55g? That should help, but where is the filter and the media from the 20g going? I believe that the gravel and decorations will help, but I think the bulk of the bacteria live in the filter, so you would be at least partially re-cycling unless you used a filter that has stayed wet and fed from a fully cycled tank. So, this is all assuming that the tanks you're pulling them from were cycled. I don't know if that clarifies anything, but I hope it helps. Have fun.

Well, I just came back from Pets Inc. They had three tanks. :( One was too tall, the other too small, and the last one was really really dirty! So yeah, no luck there. And their new tanks aren't as cheap as what Petco's going to best bet will be to go to Petco tomorrow and see if they've got anything.

The filter from before is the thing I have in there right now. I'll just take it out, clean it off a bit and put it back in so all the bacteria is still on it.
The 20g filter I'll probably just trash, I can't use it unless it fits in the 55g filter which I don't have yet.

So, Petco tomorrow and then more updates. Thanks for the info. :)


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
Well, I just came back from Pets Inc. They had three tanks. :( One was too tall, the other too small, and the last one was really really dirty! So yeah, no luck there. And their new tanks aren't as cheap as what Petco's going to best bet will be to go to Petco tomorrow and see if they've got anything.

The filter from before is the thing I have in there right now. I'll just take it out, clean it off a bit and put it back in so all the bacteria is still on it.
The 20g filter I'll probably just trash, I can't use it unless it fits in the 55g filter which I don't have yet.

So, Petco tomorrow and then more updates. Thanks for the info. :)
Run the 20g filter ont he 55 alongside the new filter for the 55 and you will not have to worry about cycling as long as you slowly introduce fish.

Depending on the filter, you can replace the carbon with gravel from the cycled tank. This works well with Aqua Clears and Whisper Bio Bags, as well as a cheap $3 air pump driven corner filter.

Also, get a msall box of ammo-chips and a filter bag and keep handy in case you do get an ammonia spike.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Build your own stand. Cost in material is about 30-40 bucks.

I agree with blue-ram. I hav't had to cycle a tank in over 5 yrs and at one time was running 30 tanks. All of them got kickstarted with filters or media from cycled tanks.