Hi all, I was rearranging some plants in my 90g and every time I stuck my hand into the water, I could feel a small electrical buzz running into my fingers. I have felt this before in my tanks and thought it was just the salinity of the water that was tingling the cuts on my fingers. I had my girlfriend stick her hand in the tank, and she too felt the shock. It wasn't a big shock and there are fish in the tank, several goldfish atm. So, I went through and unplugged everything that was connected to the tank and found that the heater is putting out this shock. The fish didn't seem to be bothered by it, but I have since turned the heater off. This was a brand new heater, purchased a few months ago when I first go this tank. As I said before, I have felt this in other tanks I have and wondered if there just isn't an electric current running through the tank when the heater is active. The heater is fully submerged in the 10g overflow on the back of the 90g and the box to the heater stated it could be sumbersed. I have had no unexpected fish loss, no fish dying in the tank, but do I turn the heater back on, or go out and buy another one. I am trying to save money, but I guess this is a no brainer, I should buy a new one, that is unless others have had experiences like this. Let me know your input, thanks.
PS I have plants arriving today from aqariumplants.com - a madagasar lace plant, 3 pots of glossostigma, and a bunch of sag subulata. Should be here within the hour, so excited!!!!
PS I have plants arriving today from aqariumplants.com - a madagasar lace plant, 3 pots of glossostigma, and a bunch of sag subulata. Should be here within the hour, so excited!!!!