I Was Thinking Another Tank?


Medium Fish
May 8, 2006
Hey everyone I was thinking that after I got my 60g tank all squared away of getting another tank probably in the 20 to 30g range.

I was thinking of of maybe getting a school of Tiger barbs, tetras, Danios, or some small school fish in there. In your personal opinions what do you think would be a good small school fish to go with and do you think this would be a good idea or would a be better going with a couple variety of fish.

I figured too that I would make it a planted tank too.

Just a thought at this moment won't have the money to do anything for a few months, but I figured I would keep an eye out on graigslist, which I just found a 30g tank and stand for 60$ so maybe I will go ahead and buy the tank and stand and just not do anything with it for a month or two.


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
I think any tank set up properly is a very attractive addition to the home, no matter what kind of fish you have in. Just make sure you light it up nicely.

If you want a smaller tank like a 20 or so don't forget to check out thrift stores like Goodwill and Salvation Army. Just look it over closely when you buy and also check it for leaks before you set it up.


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
Good schooling fish Cardinal tetra!
*loves cardinals* ^^' They were my first fish ever.

Like Roark said, Rams would be nice. They're very cute little fish. I like GBRs (German Blue Rams). Or you could go with a pair of Kribs? They're pretty too. Data tends to show ALL of his colors when it's feeding time ^^'

I think I like Kribs because they change color a bit... I think it's cool, it's like an underwater lizard!


Medium Fish
May 8, 2006
MTS (multiple tank syndrome) strikes again!!
You said it!*twirlysmi

Good schooling fish Cardinal tetra!
*loves cardinals* ^^' They were my first fish ever.

Like Roark said, Rams would be nice. They're very cute little fish. I like GBRs (German Blue Rams). Or you could go with a pair of Kribs? They're pretty too. Data tends to show ALL of his colors when it's feeding time ^^'

I think I like Kribs because they change color a bit... I think it's cool, it's like an underwater lizard!
Yea I really like tiger barbs and I think a school of them in a tank would be awesome.

On the other side a tank of cardinals and maybe an otto for algae contol would be awesome.

Think about it say I get a 30g tank I could get close to 20 cardinals in one tank and plant it pretty good that would be amazing! It would be more colorful too! There is a lot more color in Cardinals too! I think I like this idea!:eek:

I am not familiar with Kribs.

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Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Think about it say I get a 30g tank I could get close to 20 cardinals in one tank and plant it pretty good that would be amazing! It would be more colorful too! There is a lot more color in Cardinals too! I think I like this idea!:eek:
Or, you could drop the number in that school by ~5 and pick up a GBR or an apisto or some other centerpiece fish. A lot of people (not me, personally ;)) find that schools of tetra are boring. The centerpiece fish looks good with the accompaniment of a school. Fish that school tightly, IMHO, are most fun to watch (e.g. my rummynoses :p).


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2008
I have 7 TBs and absolute love to watch them school. OR at least chase each other during the day. Feeding time is always a great sight . Also when I do some minor tank maintenace, they always nip at my fingers. I would definitely go wiht TBs.

I also have 5 rainbow shows that for the most part stay away from each other (aside from a little chasing around). I think that the TBs may have scared them into being non-aggressive fish.

TBs are semi-aggressive. So I would definitely look for more semi-aggressive fish. Angels are beautiful but will fall victim to fin nipping!


Medium Fish
May 8, 2006
Hmm maybe I will go with a centerpiece fish. Anyone have any more ideas for a centerpiece fish?

Have to explore this idea a little more.

I was looking into GBR and I must say I like the look of this fish. My question is tho being a chiclid would it go with TBs or Cardinals? I am thinking no with the cardinals, but I will ask to be sure!

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Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
It's POSSIBLE to mix a cichlid with TBs and such but highly unlikely that they will get along. I've heard of about 3 cases where it will work. TBs go well with RT sharks (my centerpiece to my barbs), Rainbow sharks, Loaches like in your pic... some gouramis, danios, bleeding heart tetras... all bottom feeders will work out i'm sure... Just no more than one redtail shark, and if you do go that path no clown loaches or any bottom feeder with red tails for that matter. the RT shark will confuse it as it's own kind and go nuts on it!

*** I'm going to hold the RT Shark case as not 100% true, although it makes a lot of sense, there are cases where clown loaches and other bottom feeders with red tails will get along ok. I'm actually going to try this myself and get a loach for my tank, I'll keep you updated***

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Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
I was looking into GBR and I must say I like the look of this fish. My question is tho being a chiclid would it go with TBs or Cardinals? I am thinking no with the cardinals, but I will ask to be sure!
GBRs will not have a problem sharing their tank with cardinals; they're a pretty docile fish. I'm not sure about the TBs, but reading jo3olous' post, I think the cardinals are a better mix.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Just my word of warning..some on here have had great luck with GBR's and other including myself have not.mine lasted about 2 months and died from unknown causes. I will say that they were peaceful to my other fish in the tank for the most part. I have read that when they mate they become very aggressive in defense of their eggs...mine never made it this far so i CAN'T confirm this from personal experience.


Medium Fish
May 8, 2006
Just my word of warning..some on here have had great luck with GBR's and other including myself have not.mine lasted about 2 months and died from unknown causes. I will say that they were peaceful to my other fish in the tank for the most part. I have read that when they mate they become very aggressive in defense of their eggs...mine never made it this far so i CAN'T confirm this from personal experience.
That's good to know thanks!