$10 Elite Reef frags email


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ

Elite Reefs is proud to bring to you this fabulous list of zoanthids. Bringing high quality frags to your door for an industry low price is what we are all about and this month is no exception. As always all frags are just 10.00 each and all shipping is 21.00 flat rate any place in the US unlimited frags.
Heat and cold packs are available for an addition charge of 2.50 each. Heat or cold packs must be request with your order.

As a special bonus all order of 99.00 or more BEFORE shipping will receive the much sought after Poseidon's Fury Paly 100% FREE with your order. *while supplies last*

To place your order simply send us an email at EliteReefs@verizon.net with your selections and we will reply with confirmation of availability followed up with an invoice via paypal. Our frags are very popular and are sent out to 1000's of customers at once. Due to this it is imperative that you once you receive your invoice you get payments in ASAP. Your order is not secured until payment is received. Don't miss you chance to own some of these class A frags. I have no doubt you will be very happy with your purchase.

It is important to note that all orders this month will ship on WED for Thurs delivery.



Small Fish
Sep 22, 2008
very nice I just got some your typical green one's" I can't remember the name pretty common I think" Looking into getting some that are different from the norm you see at lfs. My reef is still new and I am in the planning part on what I want in it. So far I have the green zoa frag I got "and it is already getting bigger" and a anemone that I also don't know what it is?


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Check out Jims. Especially the pink mouthed palys and the RDEs.

My Zoas are all partially closed up in my 12 gal. Can't figure out why, water parameters are good and I did a 25% water change about a week ago. Mushrooms, Torch, Xenia, and Montis all look fine. Yumas are growing good.