Okay to move my tank?

Oct 24, 2008
Hi there,

I didn't see search function on here so this could very well be a repost.

We have a 4 week old 20 gallon tank with three fancy goldfish (look like these guys: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/ce/RedCapOrandasPairRodsan18a.jpg) and three snails.

After a brief bout of the Ich everything seems to be fine now with the tank. It's clear and the fish are happy and healthy (not lethargic anymore at least).

We had the tank set up in the kitchen but now that we have made room for them elsewhere I'm wondering if it would be too stressful for them to sit on the television.

We have one of those really old TVs that look like furniture, so it's big and sturdy. It doesn't get hot on top so I'm not concerned about temperature.

I'm a bit concerned about noise - would it be too stressful for them to live there? I really, really want to move the tank but not at the expense of their health.

Thanks in advance,

Oct 24, 2008

Well, we weren't that good about setting up the tank - we didn't cycle it. And the ich showed up when I added two snails and two new plants in one day. I think I just stressed them out. It was a good wake up call though, I found a local fish store who tested my water and got me all set up to care for these little guys properly, give me guidance etc.

I was one of those people who just wanted them for her kid and didn't do enough homework, but I'm totally committed to being a good fish owner now and wish I had done things differently!

: )


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I have one of those tvs and I think it would probably be OK to hold a smaller tank on, weight-wise, but I dont think I would put a tank on a tv. I know it looks like furniture but its still a piece of electronics and we all know that water + electronics is a bad idea. No matter how clean I try to be when messing with my tanks I always get water spillage at some point. I would have to vote for a no on that one...sorry.

As for the noise, I think it would probably be OK but not ideal.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I've gotta agree with Froggy on this one.
Weight-wise and even noise-wise (I'm assuming it doesn't have much in the way of a sub-woofer, lol) the structure itself would probably be okay for a smaller tank, but with the electronics directly beneath it, I really wouldn't trust it. Not only could it make a mess, but it could be potentially quite dangerous. Not worth it when you think about the very real possibility of an electrical fire burning down your home.

I was one of those people who just wanted them for her kid and didn't do enough homework, but I'm totally committed to being a good fish owner now and wish I had done things differently!
You're definitely not alone!
Kudos to you for looking into what's best for you and your fish---this is a great place to learn.

Welcome aboard.*thumbsups

Oct 24, 2008
Damn! I'm so glad I asked.... I haven't made any messes yet but it's only a month old, everyone is right, it's just a matter or time. Thank you so so much for all the feedback.

More soon (I'm sure)


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The one thing I thought should be said about this is if you know little about electronics and electrical.... Don't do it! There are capaciters in there that can hold a fatal charge for a VERY long time even after the TV has been unpluged.

If one is set on making a TV Tank, find someone who has experience with that kind of work or do A LOT of reading and be EXTREMELY careful. Touching the wrong thing could end your life.
