Best lights? Your opinion.


Small Fish
Oct 21, 2008
I'm looking at adding some lights for my 10g nano. It's a standard 10g tank, nothing special. There are two fixtures I am looking at and would love your opinions!
Debating between:
20" Coralife Aqualight 96 watt with 50/50 bulbs ( Aqualight Deluxe Series - products new home - 20"Aqualight Deluxe Series 1-96 watt 50/50 quad Lamp for full product description)
PFO HQI 70 Watt Metal Halide Mini Pendant ( PFO HQI 70 Watt Metal Halide Mini Pendant (Double-Ended) - for product description)

Trying to find either used and failing. So if I'm investing a lot of money I'd like to at least know as much as I can. If you have experience with either one please post!

Thanks :)


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So I don't have experience with either but what I normally do if it's a toss up is look at bulb replacement costs. That's assuming everything else is equal though.

Having run PC's (coralife in specific... never again) and HQI's, I'd say go with the HQI. BUT, what are you planning on keeping? Leathers? shrooms? SPS? LPS? Clams? The first two should do fine with the PC. The others though really should have the HQI for long term maintenance. That said though Leathers and shrooms will do very well under a HQI.

Hope that helps a bit :)



Small Fish
Oct 21, 2008
The HQI's units are much more expensive than the Coralifes, and also don't fit as nicely on the tank. The HQI's seem to be more expensive per bulb, but from my readings, the HQI's need to be replaced less often than the others. I think it may about 6 of one, half dozen of the other so far as cost, except that I'm unable to find just how often HQI's should be replaced.

I'm just looking at keeping a shroom or two and some zoanthids. Perhaps a leather if I feel bold but I am looking at the others much more closely.

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Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Actually you would only need one HQI. I don't think you could fit 2 over a 10. Though if you do want more light a 150 watt would be the way to go and it would fit better. I've got a Clam under a 150w in a 27 gal for the last 2.5 years. The 70 watt should handle most of your needs and could be upgraded to a 150w with nothing more than a new ballast and lamp.

I think you can see which way I would go ;)


Oh yeah... They are ment to be hung over the tank, that's why it appears as though they don't fit.