Who can be friends with my gold gourami........


Small Fish
Sep 28, 2008
Henderson, Kentucky
New to fish but already addicted. I have a 46 gallon and recently got a 28 gallon.

I didnt do my research and ended up with far too many gouramis. 2 blues, 2 golds, 2 dwarfs and 2 rainbows (what i call them).

Big goldie (as we call him) became a bully as he got bigger. He concentrated on the smller gold and the 2 blues. Didnt bother the other fish.

I lost one of hte golds (the small one) and one of the dwarf but those are only fish i've lost so far.

I have moved my bully gold gourami to the 28 gallon tank. he is about 2.5 inches. What types of fish might he go well with him?


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2008
I had the same issue with my Blue Gourami, he was the 1st fish in my aquarium and was the most peaceful fish until I added 2 more Gouramis. I have a 55gal community and he has never bothered any of the other fish.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Hmm, anything he won't see as a threat (generally anything non-gourami like) so he won't feel like he has to defend his territory. Tetras or harlequin rasboras should work well (as long as the tetras aren't the nippy kind, then the tables will turn). I've generally had a lot of luck with gouramis and tank mates, swordtails work well and redtail or rainbow sharks as mistercoffee said, or a small shoal of small loaches.. the list goes on. Just keep away from anything of a similar size, that hangs in the same water level, or looks like a gourami :)

Sep 15, 2008
Chicago, IL
Hmm, anything he won't see as a threat (generally anything non-gourami like) so he won't feel like he has to defend his territory. Tetras or harlequin rasboras should work well (as long as the tetras aren't the nippy kind, then the tables will turn). I've generally had a lot of luck with gouramis and tank mates, swordtails work well and redtail or rainbow sharks as mistercoffee said, or a small shoal of small loaches.. the list goes on. Just keep away from anything of a similar size, that hangs in the same water level, or looks like a gourami :)
I'm considering getting a school of Tetra's with my Gourami... what kind of tetras should I stay away from?

Yeah my red tail and gourami are in the 20g together and they are cool. I don't think the red tail likes it too much when the Gourami goes by his rock, but he doesn't really do much about it. The Gourami is just a bit lonely I think.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I'm considering getting a school of Tetra's with my Gourami... what kind of tetras should I stay away from?
I'd avoid anything like serpae tetras, colombian tetras, black skirts, any with nippy tendancies because they will go for their "feelers", keep to peaceful kinds such as neons, glowlights, rummynoses. Have a look at the profiles on here, they'll be able to tell you more than me :)